Page of the Day: Days 1 through 9

Welcome to Page of the Day! For 100 Days, we are sharing 100 pages of 100 books – page by page, in order on our Instagram page. With each different day, a different book is featured. From advanced reader copies of upcoming releases to new paperback editions, you’ll be able to catch a glimpse – and read a short passage – from books perfect for summer reading. Here are those short passages from Days 1 through 9:

Day 1: Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin

“My dear friend Roz Horowitz met her new husband online dating, and Roz is three years older and fifty pounds heavier than I am, and people have said that she is generally not as well preserved, and so I thought I would try it even though I avoid going online too much. Roz’s last husband died of colon cancer, and she deserves her happiness. Not that this new husband is anything special — his name is Tony and he used to be in the auto glass business in New Jersey. But Roz fixed him up and took him shopping for shirts at Bloomingdale’s, and now they’re taking all these classes at the JCC together — Conversational Spanish and Ballroom Dancing and Massage for Lovers and Creative Soap and Candle Making. I don’t particularly want a husband. They’re a lot of work, but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone either, and it would be nice to have someone to go to classes with is what I’m saying.”

Day 2: Blood Highway by Gina Wohlsdorf

“I pictured it. I couldn’t not. The woman who threw the punch must have broken her hand. A hophead or a schizophrenic or a chick with a temper. She brought her fist way back, used her hips and legs like you’re supposed to, and blam-o! The shiver it must have sent up her arm. How her screaming must have reverberated in here, drowning out the tinny Muzak I was humming along to. ‘Manic Monday,’ the Bangles.”

Day 3: What Unites Us by Dan Rather

“We hear often of America’s destiny. All around Washington we see marble temples and monuments to our democracy. They look so solid and seem so rooted in history that we imagine them permanent features on the landscape. Never mind that those buildings, when compared to the life span of other nations, are but new construction. They were built to infuse a sense of awe and purpose in the populace of an improbable country. They are only as permanent as our ideals. And if we lose a sense of humility, we risk losing everything.”

Day 4: Southernmost by Silas House

“But then Zelda took a step forward and froze; he could see she was terrified. Zelda had been on this very porch for the first time he ever met her. She had risen from her chair to embrace him, holding him the way his own mother never had. Another memory, too: they had gone wading in the Cumberland on the hottest day of the year. “You’re like a son to me,” she had said, gathering her yellow dress tail in one hand so it wouldn’t get wet, and she had realized then that had been one of the main reasons he had married Lydia: to have a mother, to have arms around him to let him know he mattered.”

Day 5: The Optimistic Decade by Heather Abel

“ ‘I told Caleb from the start it was a weird name. So, Mom and I were thinking.’ He paused for coffee. ‘Maybe you’d like to go this summer.’

‘To write about it?’ Llamalo, she wrote in her notebook. He cleared his throat.

‘No, hon. As a counselor. Among others of your ilk. Exploring the wilds of Colorado. Fun, huh?’

This could only be a joke. She’d never expressed interest in summer camp as a child, and even if she had, Ira wouldn’t have sent her. ‘Right. What did you used to say? ‘”Llamalo: where Caleb teaches privileged kids to live simply, so their parents might simply live without them.” ‘ ”

Day 6: The Collector’s Apprentice by B.A. Shapiro

“‘He has destroyed everything we have been building for generations – and you brought him here, allowed him to do this to us, helped him!’ She can still hear her mother’s words. ‘It is all gone. What we had, what you and your brothers and your children would have had. Everything that we are. Our name. Our proud name…’”

Day 7: Other People’s Love Affairs by D. Wystan Owen

“Her second neighbor was a man: Deegan Kirby. She liked him more than she did Mrs. Ridgewe. He could be seen some nights on the landing, dressed outrageously, coming or going: as a pirate, or in high heels and a gown. He ran a burlesque show on weekends in Croft; days, he kept books for a grocery chain.”

Day 8: Tasting the Past by Kevin Begos

“Robinson is one of the most famous, knowledgeable, and respected critics in the world. I was infatuated with a winery she’d never heard of. Maybe I’d found an arcane wine history error about who drank what when in the Oxford Companion. So what? It was all feeling like some wild grape chase, trying to link Cremisan to a perhaps mystical ancient wine.”

Day 9: The Leavers by Lisa Ko

“They ate on the couch, which took up most of the living room, a slippery beast printed with orange and red flowers that made zippy noises when you attempted to sit and instead slid. It was also Vivian’s bed. His mother hated it, but Deming saw worlds in its patterns, stared at the colors until he got cross-eyed and the flowers took on different shapes, fish tank, candies, tree tops in late October, and he envisioned himself underwater, swimming against the surface of the fabric.”

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