Today is National Iced Tea Day, of course. This being the South, we have plenty of cool, refreshing iced tea — make that, sweet tea — in our office. But on a sunny, sweltering day like today, iced tea is meant to be sipped and savored, gulped and guzzled from a tall glass with aContinue reading

Happy paperback publication day for The High Divide! Enter for a chance to win a paperback copy of Lin Enger’s beautifully written novel. Isn’t it time to remind yourself of the reasons you read? In The High Divide, Gretta Pope wakes one morning in 1886 to discover that her husband is gone. Ulysses Pope hasContinue reading

Maybe you don’t need help finding your next great book to read. Certainly, there are plenty of random and not-so-random ways to choose. Judging a book by its cover is a classic. You can judge by a book’s title, by its popularity,  by its blurbs. And, oh yeah, by its actual content. There’s also theContinue reading

We’ve matched up the first lines of our Fall 2014 fiction with the titles from which they come. This handy-dandy guide also serves as the answer key for the Fall’s First Lines quiz in our new Inside Algonquin newsletter. (Have you signed up for the Inside Algonquin newsletter? Oh, please do! It’s great fun.) 1.“I’mContinue reading

For many authors, where they write can make or break what they write. Today, Lin Enger, author of the historical novel The High Divide (in book stores now—wink wink, nudge nudge) explains the (very small) world that gave life to The High Divide, and gives us a peek into his current office. “Not exactly byContinue reading

Today is a reading day. Well, every day is a reading day, but today just feels like a daylong, under-a-quilt, cup-of-tea-in-hand sort of reading retreat. Even if you can only carve out five minutes for a reading escape, today is the day for it. Today is Publication Day for Lin Enger’s The High Divide. TheContinue reading