Maybe you don’t need help finding your next great book to read. Certainly, there are plenty of random and not-so-random ways to choose. Judging a book by its cover is a classic. You can judge by a book’s title, by its popularity,  by its blurbs. And, oh yeah, by its actual content. There’s also theContinue reading

We’re all a-flutter for today’s official publication of The Birds of Pandemonium! With so much excitement for Michele Raffin’s book, it is quite a happy happy pub day. Indeed, Michele just finished an hour-long chat with on The Diane Rehm Show with Diane Rehm calling the inhabitants of Pandemonium Aviaries some of “the most beautifulContinue reading

Galleys, we’ve got galleys. We’ve got lots and lots of galleys. This is your chance to get your mitts on advance reading copies of our Fall 2014 titles. Get ’em now. Get ’em before BEA even. Just fill out the form below to enter for a chance to win a complete set of our FallContinue reading