Maybe you don’t need help finding your next great book to read. Certainly, there are plenty of random and not-so-random ways to choose. Judging a book by its cover is a classic. You can judge by a book’s title, by its popularity,  by its blurbs. And, oh yeah, by its actual content. There’s also theContinue reading

When filming of The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving began in Atlanta last month, Jonathan Evison’s novel joined a distinguished list of Algonquin books adapted to the screen. Larry Brown’s Joe, starring Nicolas Cage, was released in 2014. There was Sara Gruen’s Water for Elephants, starring Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson, which will soon be aContinue reading

Like many authors, novelist Tim Johnston’s path to publication was rife with rejections. An earlier draft of the manuscript that would become his just-published novel Descent was turned down by eight different editors. Massive revisions followed, and when the new version came in to Algonquin editor Chuck Adams, it was immediately clear that this literaryContinue reading

In a shocking twist, book lovers are as fanatical about giving books as they are about reading them. While some people tailor their gift titles to each individual recipient, others have go-to books that fit the bill time and time again. We asked around the office to find out some Algonkians’ go-to books. •Elise Howard,Continue reading

Readers often wonder about the behind-the-scenes aspects of book publishing, and jacket design can seem especially mysterious. Today, Creative Director Anne Winslow explains the creative process behind the jacket for Brock Clarke’s  The Happiest People in the World. Deploying the wry wit and nimble prose for which he is known, Clarke has crafted a darklyContinue reading

For many authors, where they write can make or break what they write. Today, Lin Enger, author of the historical novel The High Divide (in book stores now—wink wink, nudge nudge) explains the (very small) world that gave life to The High Divide, and gives us a peek into his current office. “Not exactly byContinue reading