August gets a bad rap as the month of withering lawns, miserable heat, and end-of-summer ennui. An article published in Slate actually argued that it should be abolished from the year altogether. Before you start tearing pages out of your calendar, let me remind you that August marks the advent of Fair season, which meansContinue reading

I don’t know where you are, geographically, dear reader, but these North Carolinian “April Showers” would be better described as “April Tornado Warnings.” Well, they ARE tornado warnings. The rain has been sporadic and steaming and will soak you to the skin in a matter of minutes. I haven’t had to bathe in weeks. SoContinue reading

  I don’t know about you, but it seemed like “March Madness” extended beyond basketball this year. 1. Date a Girl Who Reads. Last month I featured an essay by a man warning against dating girls who read. Today we have a response from The Monica Bird. My favorite part: “Or better yet, date aContinue reading

I always get anxious when writing the word “February.” There are just so many ways it can go wrong. It’s like “Wednesday.” Very confusing. And does anyone really pronounce that first “r”? We should just change it to “Febuary” and call it a day. Well, call it a month. . 1. Shelf Heaven. I haveContinue reading

1. I had my first shameless obsession with an English teacher when I was in kindergarten. Of course, she was also the craft maker and the hand holder and the nap enforcer, but I knew her true colors. She liked reading the best. It was in that formative year, the same year I discovered DunkaroosContinue reading

au·gust adj. Inspiring awe or admiration; majestic: the august presence of the monarch. Venerable for reasons of age or high rank. . All the other months are defined by placement in the line-up and characterized by things like weather. All the other months are NOUNS (well, except for “March” and “May” … riffraff). . 1.Continue reading