Booksellers Rock! Keebe Fitch, McIntyre’s Books

Pittsboro is technically outside of the Triangle area, but it’s so close and has such distinctive charm that we consider it an honorary member of the area. Many Triangle residents make the short trip to Pittsboro to visit Fearrington Village, which boasts a 5-star restaurant, an enchanting inn, belted cows, and some of the best stores in the area–not least of which is McIntyre’s Fine Books. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve visited McIntyre’s and never wanted to leave–it’s the kind of bookstore that is so incredibly cozy (including a fireplace) and inviting that you just want to live there. Owner Keebe Fitch–who, despite photographic evidence to the contrary, is not a monster–is in our bookseller spotlight today.
What books recently rocked my world:
Super Sad True Love Story, Gary Shteyngart
The Wake of Forgiveness, Bruce Machart
House of Prayer No. 2, Mark Richard
Best damn event we’ve hosted:
Toss up between Roy Williams for Hard Work and Jimmy Carter for Living Faith. Both had large crowds of very happy people in lines that moved quickly. Nothing is worse than a long, slow line of unhappy people.
Most entertaining author we’ve hosted:
Roy Underhill of The Woodwright’s Shop on PBS. He has a workshop in up the road and had people laughing themselves silly for 90 minutes.
Strangest question a customer has ever asked:
Had to ask Pete, and he reminded me that the oddest customer was a guy on the phone who wanted directions to traffic court. Turns out he was calling from Texas and became quite indignant when informed he was talking to a bookstore in NC. Pete thinks we should have suggested taking the next left and keep going straight.
What makes our neighborhood and customers awesome:
As the store is off the beaten path, we are a destination for readers. People intentionally seeking out book browsing and advice. We are very fortunate to be in a community of great readers and have several retired devotees with lots of time/desire for books.
I promise you won’t find this at any other store:
Our trademark black and white belted cattle right outside the front door.
If I weren’t selling books, I’d be:
Probably teaching school.
Books that changed my life:
Love in the Ruins, Walker Percy
A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O’Connor
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov
Top three authors, living or dead, I’d invite to my dinner party:
Jill McCorkle, Dorothy Parker, and Laurie Notaro
Top three songs on the soundtrack to my life:
One Way or Another, Blondie
Eight Piece Box, Southern Culture on the Skids
Will it Go Round in Circles, Billy Preston
My last meal request:
A sandwich of prosciutto crudo and fontina on focaccia with a cold pint of ale or Rick Robinson’s steak frites.
Overall Score
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