More Delights from Ross Gay
Because delight, as Ross Gay says, only increases when you share it, the author of The Book of Delights has given us this list of the foods, books, and music that have been bringing him joy recently:
Foods That Delight

Every single edible thing that grows in my garden (including dandelion, which grows must reliably of all).
Nuts 4 Nuts. I can smell those trucks two blocks away, seriously. Probably I have mapped their locations in my body. In fact, the way people sometimes feel guilty after eating candy, I felt the other day passing a Nuts-for-Nuts cart in a cab without asking to pull over.
My mother’s apple (or peach or blueberry or strawberry rhubarb) crisp.
Stephanie’s chocolate zucchini bread.
Doubles, full pepper.
Books That Delight (or, that I have loved, in the last few months):
Farming While Black, by Leah Penniman: One of the most important books I will probably ever read.
Deep Creek, by Pam Houston: Reminds how caring for the land, loving the land, is also a way to heal oneself.
To Float in the Space Between, by Terrance Hayes: I’ve been waiting a long time for this book to be in the world.
Dear Angel of Death, by Simone White: I love being in the company of writers, and writing, this brilliant.
Heavy, by Kiese Laymon: I missed my flight while sitting at the gate reading this book.
Songs That Delight
“Green Eyes”, by Erykah Badu: (Most anything by Erykah Badu.)
“A Love Bizarre”, by Sheila E: My brother put this on in his car just the other day after I (probably) made a (displeased) face about his yacht rock playlist—and he made a 180 degree turn to this, amen.
“So Amazing”, by Luther Vandross: Lots of things by Luther Vandross.
“Worth It”, by Moses Sumney: One of the most beautiful voices I’ve ever heard.
“Tree,” by Stevie Wonder: That whole weird brilliant record is a delight.