Summer Reading List
It’s no secret that we Algonkians are voracious readers. This summer, we’re excited to dive into a wide variety of books, from the eclectic (The Decameron, Emily Post’s Etiquette, Yakuza Moon) to the wildly popular (Bossypants, A Visit from the Goon Squad, The Hunger Games) and everything in between.
What are you looking forward to reading this summer? Tell us and you’ll automatically be entered to win one of three West of Here pint glasses and Algonquin Book Club tote bags.
Chuck Adams, Executive Editor:
Because I read just about all day long–at least when I’m not editing–I don’t do a lot of “pleasure” reading, and when I do, I’m jealous of my time. This summer, over the 4th of July week, I plan to take a bit of vacation, and during those precious days, I hope to read one or all of the following:
In the Garden of Beasts by Eric Larson — I chose this one because of a personal fascination with evil, pure and simple, and also because I find tales of the war era in Germany to be pertinent to our own times, as cautionary tales and as reminders of why we cannot just accept everything our government says and does.
The Bull from the Sea by Mary Renault — This was a novel I read when I was young, circa the late ’60s, and it was the first by Renault that I had encountered. It led me to read all of her Grecian novels, and they remain vivid in my memory. I recently read a similar kind of novel by a young writer who claimed never to have read those earlier novels, and I enjoyed the new book–about the legend of Achilles, being published by Ecco sometime next year–so much that I want to go back and revisit Renault’s work, which I remember as being masterful and transporting.
Just Kids by Patti Smith — Like Smith, I was finding myself as a person in New York during the late ’60s, and I gather from reviews that she has done a wonderful job of making that city in those days come alive on the page. I did not, however, get to consort with anyone quite like Robert Mapplethorpe, so I hope to be introduced to an experience that goes beyond mere nostalgia.
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan — I want to read this one for many reasons–awards, friends who rave about it, big bestseller–but especially because when I look on Amazon I find so many negative reviews. I love books that people either love or hate. I, of course, expect to love it.
Stephen Ashley, Publishing Coordinator:
The first on my to-read list is The Magicians by Lev Grossman. With the last Harry Potter movie coming out in less than a month and my childhood nearing its official end, I’m going to venture out and read about grown up wizards. But, let’s be serious, I’ll never really grow up. There are too many exciting YA books coming out. I can’t wait to tear into Libba Bray’s Beauty Queens (Lord of the Flies with less assmar and more pirates? Yes please) and Sean Beaudoin’s You Killed Wesley Payne (“young adult noir mystery” is probably the closest I can get to complete happiness in four words, though “so much ice cream” is a close second).
Kelly Bowen, Publicity Manager:
My summer reading list usually comes down to two important factors: What is the easiest to read at the beach? And what is the perfect drink to pair with that book?
After spending one sweltering summer with my book club discussing the daunting 2666 by Roberto Bolano, I’m excited to read Between Parentheses alongside a huge pitcher of fruity red sangria. I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that I haven’t read Tea Obreht’s The Tiger’s Wife yet, so that’s definitely next on the list (with a white Russian, of course!). Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan with a very CapeCod-ish vodka spritzer sounds like the perfect Sunday summer afternoon. And I also managed to snag a copy of The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern at BEA, and can’t wait to dive into it. (I haven’t figured out the right drink for that one and accept any suggestions you might have!)
Jordan Castelloe, Intern:
Right now I’m about halfway through Virginia Woolf’s intricate, deeply weird novel Orlando about a man who lives forever and changes genders a few times along the way. It’s sort of like making your way through a big plate of fettucine alfredo– you never want it to end, but it’s better in small doses. I’m juggling some lighter fare to balance it out: Foul Matter by Martha Grimes, a madcap murder mystery about the world of publishing in which writers go to homicidal lengths to get their books published and editors have mob affiliations. Ah, if only.
I’ve got big plans for tackling Boccaccio’s The Decameron this summer. Sounds impressive and literary, right? It’s actually a humongous compilation of medieval sex jokes. They also happen to be great stories, but I’m mostly interested in the sex jokes. Next on the list is Cormac McCarthy’s The Road because at this point four different people have made me swear that I would.
Megan Fishmann, Publicist:
Lately I’ve been on a real nonfiction kick, trying to learn more about the strangest of the strange (I figure this will help balance out the insane amount of time I read things like Us Weekly). I recently finished Still Life: Adventures in Taxidermy by Melissa Milgrom and now am eager to begin yet another taxidermy book, Kingdom Under Glass by Jay Kirk. Continuing my reading streak on all things deceased, I’ve got The Red Market (a fascinating look at the illegal human organ trading market) by Scott Carney on my bedside table. Not one to buck this odd passion I’m investing so much time in, I bought The Long Goodbye by Meghan O’Rourke at our local independent bookstore, Flyleaf. I hear this one is an incredibly moving memoir, and I’ve got my handkerchief ready.
Katie Ford, Assistant Marketing Manager:
My fiancé came home from a weekend in WV with a mason jar of strawberry moonshine. I refuse to touch it for fear of going blind, but it reminded me to pick up Max Watman’s Chasing the White Dog: An Amateur Outlaw Adventure’s in Moonshine, an Indie Next List pick chronicling the history of moonshine in the U.S. Maybe it will give me the information I need to talk my fiancé out of converting the bathtub into the still of his dreams.
I’m also going to pick up George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones series to read by the pool. I think I like the HBO miniseries, but I can’t make it more than 10 minutes through an episode without getting confused and asking, “Wait, who’s that?” The books have been at the top of the bestseller lists, convincing me I’m not alone.
Amy Gash, Senior Editor:
Whenever I have time to read for pleasure I almost always choose literary fiction. This summer, though, I’m determined to branch out with some nonfiction and genre titles:
Cleopatra by Stacy Schiff
All I know about Cleopatra I learned from Elizabeth Taylor so I’m ready to be transported to the ancient world and enlightened by this biography of an apparently shrewd and formidable politician. And what’s the real dish on her relationships with Antony and Caesar?
Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear
I recently acquired a mystery, which is unusual for Algonquin, and now I’m eager to read some of the best of the genre. I’ve been hearing about the adventures of Maise Dobbs for years. Maybe I’ll get hooked on this series and find myself in bed in the wee hours of the night with a flashlight – just like I used to do with Agatha Christie as a kid.
Emily Post’s Etiquette (17th edition) by Peggy Post
My son is leaving for college in September and I was thinking I should send him off with this book. Truth is, though, he’d never in a million years open it. But I realized I would. I’ve already found it helpful in a number of situations. And, believe it or not, I actually like this kind of information, so this summer I’ll be enjoying flipping through the 900 pages!
Brunson Hoole, Managing Editor:
I just started City of Thieves by Marc Benioff. I may be the only person who hasn’t read this; it’s been recommended to me many times by many people, and I was starting to feel stubborn. I saw the paperback at the bookstore and was smitten by the cover–and the fact that it’s short (I’m into achievable goals this summer). It doesn’t hurt that it’s a somewhat whimsical and macabre adventure. I’ve already laughed out loud on the bus while reading Pete Dexter’s Spooner, a logical follow-up to the equally rambling and outrageous A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Toltz, so fellow passengers weren’t surprised to see me chuckling to the dark humor in this one.
Simon Winchester’s Atlantic looks appealing, and like something I can dip in and out of while reading The Commodore by Patrick O’Brian. It’s taken me only ten years to get to number seventeen! (Remember, achievable goals.) I love the sea–and a sea story–so it’s fitting that these should travel to the beach with me this summer. I bought a paperback copy of Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall to give to someone, but the package was too appealing to part with. It seems like a sprawling yet detailed romp more likely to expose me to some actual history than the Showtime version (The Tudors–I’ll admit to enjoying a few episodes on DVD) of the Henry VIII period.
Andra Miller, Editor:
I don’t know what’s in the air, but it seems I have a bunch of books about violent, aggressive young women in my pile. I’m in the middle of the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, and then I want to read The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson. My husband and I began listening to the audio recordings of the Stieg Larsson books over several long car trips this past year, but now our son, at 18 months, is old enough to actually pay attention to the stories, so it seems we have to move on to more benign listening. To keep me from getting too surly this summer, I have The Help and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer at the ready. And maybe this summer I will finally get to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, which I’ve been wanting to read for years!
Sarah Rose Nordgren, Publicity Assistant:
Mister Skylight by Ed Skoog – Ed Skoog’s debut poetry collection on Copper Canyon Press comes highly recommended to me, and since I haven’t had much time to read poetry lately, I’m very excited to delve into it this month. The Stranger raves “Ed Skoog’s poetry is so ambitious it takes my breath away.” I’ve been told it’s exactly the kind of strange, idiosyncratic and moving work that I love to read.
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell – This book has been recommended to me by several people who know my tastes for imaginative and experimental novels, and it’s been on my “to-read” list for over a year. The publisher’s description says that Mitchell “erases the boundaries of language, genre and time to offer a meditation on humanity’s dangerous will to power, and where it may lead us.” I’m sold.
Emily Parliman, Assistant to the Publisher:
Over the last week or two, multiple people have told me that they’re reading John Banville and are blown away by his writing. So, I’m going to try for a “literary” turn in my summer reading and start The Infinities or The Sea after I finish devouring Suzanne Collins’ compulsively readable trilogy.
Kelly Policelli, Assistant Managing Editor:
First on my summer reading list is Bossypants by Tina Fey, which my husband bought for me in hardcover just this week. I love Tina Fey’s work, but I’m particularly interested in reading her memoir because we’re from the same town and went to the same public high school. (And, no, it was not like “Mean Girls”). Every summer I read one classic paperback, preferably on the beach, and this year it’s going to be The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. I managed (cunningly) to avoid reading this book in both high school and college, but with the economy the way it is, and the fallout from global warming seemingly coming to fruition in the midwest, it seems like a good time to read an American epic about dust bowls and the Depression. And I’m planning to download Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks to my iPhone using the free Kindle app, for summer reading on the go. I’ve been a huge fan of Geraldine Brooks since I read Year of Wonders. This is an author who can make the Plague romantic and transporting and delicious. I admire that. Plus, I’m a sucker for good historical fiction (i.e., I’m a real geek).
Craig Popelars, Marketing Director:
My summer reading began with Michael Crummey’s Newfoundland novel, Galore, and was quickly followed by S.J. Parris’ Elizabethan thriller, Heresy—both recommended by the fine booksellers at Flyleaf Books. I’m well into Erik Larson’s In the Garden of Beasts, which I’m enjoying immensely. And since I just returned from our family vacation in Yosemite National Park, where I was simply awestruck by nature in its grandest form, I have John Muir: Nature Writings waiting in the wings. After a seventeen mile hike up Yosemite’s Half Dome, it’s now in my blood to celebrate the man who helped preserve this national treasure. And since I’ve read all of Louis Bayard’s novels, I hope to read his latest, The School of Night. Finally, the one galley that I’m most eager to read this summer (and since we’re into the thick of baseball season) is The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach. That’s my literary six-pack that should keep me refreshingly cool all summer long.
Kathy Pories, Senior Editor:
First thing: I have to read Blood, Bones, and Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton since second to eating food, I like nothing better than thinking and reading about food—and it’s been beckoning from my nightstand for a while. After that, The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht (yes, I’m catching up late on what I should have already read). And carrying on with that theme, I finally will get a chance to read Tom Franklin’s Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter. It’s a crime that I haven’t read this yet, and it’s just out in paperback. (And all of these in the real live bonified physical book form. Sorry, Kindle, you are a good workhorse, but you don’t hold a candle to my treasured real books, the kind whose pages I can bend and waterlog and whose spines I can break.)
.Kendra Poster, Rights Director :
People have asked me how certain of our books compare to The Help by Kathryn Stockett, so I have a copy of that which I’ll definitely read this summer. And I so loved Tina Fey’s much-emailed “Prayer for a Daughter” that I’m seriously considering picking up Bossypants despite the gross cover. I also have a stack of cookbooks I can’t wait to get to. Perfect bedtime reading, a recipe at a time!
Shannon Ravenel, Editor-at-Large:
The Lacuna, by Barbara Kingsolver — Dale, my husband, lived in Mexico City close to the time of the book’s setting. His house was two doors down from Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo’s house. He remembers people whispering about them.
Factory Girls, by Leslie T. Chang — Living this close to China, you do get interested. I loved Country Driving, by Peter Hessler (her husband) about small new cities in China and persuaded my book group to choose this one for July.
Yakuza Moon: Memoirs of a Gangster’s Daughter, by Shoko Tendo — I like Japanese writing. This one is about the dark side of Tokyo.
.Elisabeth Scharlatt, Publisher:
The Yacoubian Building by Alaa Al Aswany — In anticipation of a trip to Cairo, which I’m hoping to get to some day.
Essays by Wallace Shawn — What I’ve read so far is marvelously fearless with impeccable politics.
Last Call by Daniel Okrent — The Rise and Fall of Prohibition, to read in the garden with a tall Bloody Mary.
The Great Journey: Americans in Paris by David McCullough — Essential for Francophiles, of which I am one.
Drink, Play, F*&K by Andrew Gottlieb — Must finish reading my step-son’s hilarious spoof of Eat, Pray, Love.
Oh, and Bob Dylan’s Chronicles.
Ina Stern, Associate Publisher:
Lost Memory of Skin by Russell Banks — I was given an advance reading copy at a dinner I attended at BEA, at which Banks was a speaker. I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t read a book of his since The Sweet Hereafter, which remains one of the most haunting books I’ve ever read, so I’m really looking forward to this one.
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein — I read some of this in manuscript when it came before our editorial board, but when we lost it to another house, I stopped reading. (Sometimes, when you lose a book you really like, it’s just too hard to keep reading!) Now that it’s four years later, and it’s a big bestseller and all my friends have read it and loved it, I think it’s time for me to get over it and pick up a copy.
.Michael Taeckens, Online and Paperback Marketing Director:
I was dazzled by John Jeremiah Sullivan’s recent pieces in the New York Times Magazine and the Paris Review, so first up is his highly acclaimed debut, Blood Horses: Notes of a Sportswriter’s Son. I also plan to read Ann Patchett’s new novel State of Wonder, because more than a few people have said it’s better than Bel Canto, which knocked my socks off. Also on the roster: Paul Lisicky’s The Burning House, some Annie Dillard I haven’t yet explored (The Maytrees, Holy the Firm, Teaching a Stone to Talk), Nick Flynn’s Another Bullshit Night in Suck City, The Selected Letters of Emily Dickinson, and The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis.
.Laura Williams, Art Assistant:
I just finished and loved our soon to be published Maman’s Homesick Pie, and I also saw the movie The King of Pastry, which was great. This has prompted some interesting discussions with a friend about how chefs have a slightly different relationship to time because of everything they have to do at once. So this summer, in keeping with the food theme I am going to read Bill Buford’s Heat.
Anne Winslow, Art Director:
I’m interested in reading The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht, primarily because it’s gotten great reviews and everyone comments on author Tea Obreht’s exquisite writing. A young person who writes as well as she does seems surprising to many reviewers, though I can’t fathom why. I found this to be true as well with The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman. Rachman, also a young author, has crafted a perfect novel. Language, voice, characterizations, plot–it’s all wonderful. But really, this is the nature of great fiction writing. The reader is transported. A gifted author can accomplish this no matter what his or her age–hearkening back to Truman Capote and Other Voices, Other rooms. Maybe it’s surprising now, because we’ve all been told, or assumed, that young people don’t read (as much) as older generations did. The Imperfectionists and The Tiger’s Wife are evidence that this curmudgeonly view is patently untrue, though I must say, there IS a lot of JUNK out there by authors of all ages.
Growing up as a kid I remember listening in on my parent’s bridge parties, but oddly they never taught any of us kids to play. I think this is true for most of my generation and below because it’s really hard to find a bridge club which is not held in a senior center. Anyway, I bought a bridge application for my Mac and used it to teach myself. Then a friend, who knew how avid I was to learn, gifted me with the 1957 edition of the classic bridge reference, Goren’s New Contract Bridge Complete by Charles H. Goren. The writing style is direct and authoritative yet still manages to be friendly. Goren never steps anywhere near the irritating realm of cutesy and gabby, a fault which plagues many how-to books. Largely because of Goren I know enough to play with my aged–but still expert–bridge playing relatives, and sometimes, I even win. The best thing with reading a reference book is that you are never done reading.
Overall Score
Reader Rating: 0 Votes
Don’t you find that for all the lists you make for yourself that someting completely unkonwn falls into your hands and knocks your socks off and you forget the whole list and spend your time searching for more of something like that strange and wonderful unexpected thing you just read???
Don’t you find that for all the lists you make for yourself that someting completely unkonwn falls into your hands and knocks your socks off and you forget the whole list and spend your time searching for more of something like that strange and wonderful unexpected thing you just read???
Don’t you find that for all the lists you make for yourself that someting completely unkonwn falls into your hands and knocks your socks off and you forget the whole list and spend your time searching for more of something like that strange and wonderful unexpected thing you just read???
Is it wrong of me to admit that I have yet to read The Help. I look forward to push my little toes in the sand and catch up on what everyone else is raving about!
This summer, I’m going to read “brain candy” books. I’m hung up on ‘Game of Thrones,’ so that’s on my bedside stand. I’m also looking at a couple by Russel Banks, Amerians in Paris, and Cleopatra. Love that I can get ideas here. Thanks, Algonquin
This summer, I’m going to read “brain candy” books. I’m hung up on ‘Game of Thrones,’ so that’s on my bedside stand. I’m also looking at a couple by Russel Banks, Amerians in Paris, and Cleopatra. Love that I can get ideas here. Thanks, Algonquin
This summer, I’m going to read “brain candy” books. I’m hung up on ‘Game of Thrones,’ so that’s on my bedside stand. I’m also looking at a couple by Russel Banks, Amerians in Paris, and Cleopatra. Love that I can get ideas here. Thanks, Algonquin
My can’t-wait-to-read Summer list:
The Lantern, by Deborah Lawrenson
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht
The Bird Sisters by Rebecca Rassmussen
Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman
The Four Mrs. Bradwells by Meg Waite Clayton
When She Woke by Hillary Jordan
The Pale King by David Foster Wallace
My can’t-wait-to-read Summer list:
The Lantern, by Deborah Lawrenson
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht
The Bird Sisters by Rebecca Rassmussen
Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman
The Four Mrs. Bradwells by Meg Waite Clayton
When She Woke by Hillary Jordan
The Pale King by David Foster Wallace
I’m really looking forward to reading A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin this summer. It’s been a long wait since the previous book in this series!
I’m really looking forward to reading A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin this summer. It’s been a long wait since the previous book in this series!
I’m really looking forward to reading A Dance with Dragons by George R. R. Martin this summer. It’s been a long wait since the previous book in this series!
Currently in the middle of The Brothers K, by David James Duncan (loving it, and, unexpectedly, learning quite a lot about baseball in the process). Also hope to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, as well as Bossypants (I have heard only outrageously good things about the latter).
Currently in the middle of The Brothers K, by David James Duncan (loving it, and, unexpectedly, learning quite a lot about baseball in the process). Also hope to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, as well as Bossypants (I have heard only outrageously good things about the latter).
I’ll be reading Ready Player One along with all five Song of Ice and Fire books by George RR Martin AND all seven Harry Potter books for a round-up book club meeting!
I’ll be reading Ready Player One along with all five Song of Ice and Fire books by George RR Martin AND all seven Harry Potter books for a round-up book club meeting!
I plan to re-read T.H. White’s “The Once and Future King.” I haven’t read it since high school. I am also going to read “Below Mile Zero” by Brooke Babineau. He is a local writer here and I used to work with his wife. He’s also an Indie film director.
I plan to re-read T.H. White’s “The Once and Future King.” I haven’t read it since high school. I am also going to read “Below Mile Zero” by Brooke Babineau. He is a local writer here and I used to work with his wife. He’s also an Indie film director.
Too many books to name! My summer reading list is ever growing. But right now, atop the list are Nathan Englander’s For the Relief of Unbearable Urges, Daniel Mendelsohn’s How Beautiful It Is, How Easily It Can Be Broken, and Dreisers’ Sister Carrie. But so much more too– this is the summer of books! Foucault, Edith Wharton, Tama Janowitz. This list has also sparked my interested in quite a few more books!
Too many books to name! My summer reading list is ever growing. But right now, atop the list are Nathan Englander’s For the Relief of Unbearable Urges, Daniel Mendelsohn’s How Beautiful It Is, How Easily It Can Be Broken, and Dreisers’ Sister Carrie. But so much more too– this is the summer of books! Foucault, Edith Wharton, Tama Janowitz. This list has also sparked my interested in quite a few more books!
The new biography of Montaigne. Perhaps this is the summer I will finally finish the memoirs of Casanova.
The new biography of Montaigne. Perhaps this is the summer I will finally finish the memoirs of Casanova.
The new biography of Montaigne. Perhaps this is the summer I will finally finish the memoirs of Casanova.
I will be reading books by Janet Evanovich. They make perfect beach reads this summer!
I will be reading books by Janet Evanovich. They make perfect beach reads this summer!
I will be reading books by Janet Evanovich. They make perfect beach reads this summer!
Right now I’m working through the W’s (purely coincidence): I just read Wildwood by Colin Meloy and Wingshooters by Nina Revyor. Just started Zadie Smith’s White Teeth because I have a goal of reading all of the books I SHOULD have read when I was a bookseller
Right now I’m working through the W’s (purely coincidence): I just read Wildwood by Colin Meloy and Wingshooters by Nina Revyor. Just started Zadie Smith’s White Teeth because I have a goal of reading all of the books I SHOULD have read when I was a bookseller
Right now I’m working through the W’s (purely coincidence): I just read Wildwood by Colin Meloy and Wingshooters by Nina Revyor. Just started Zadie Smith’s White Teeth because I have a goal of reading all of the books I SHOULD have read when I was a bookseller
I visited Mark Twain’s house in Hartford over Memorial Day weekend so I am looking forward to reading his semi-autobiographical book, Life on the Mississippi. I’m also looking forward to reading Tina Fey’s Bossypants–a friend recommended it and I think she is a hilarious comic.
I visited Mark Twain’s house in Hartford over Memorial Day weekend so I am looking forward to reading his semi-autobiographical book, Life on the Mississippi. I’m also looking forward to reading Tina Fey’s Bossypants–a friend recommended it and I think she is a hilarious comic.
I visited Mark Twain’s house in Hartford over Memorial Day weekend so I am looking forward to reading his semi-autobiographical book, Life on the Mississippi. I’m also looking forward to reading Tina Fey’s Bossypants–a friend recommended it and I think she is a hilarious comic.
I’m sifting through a handful of old favorites this summer (Anne of Green Gables, The Hardy Boys), but mostly I’m just plowing through the Song of Ice and Fire series. Also waiting for my attention, in no particular order, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, and, hopefully, Middle March by George Eliot, to name a few.
Summer is just a good time for overambitious literary insanity, don’t think?
I’m sifting through a handful of old favorites this summer (Anne of Green Gables, The Hardy Boys), but mostly I’m just plowing through the Song of Ice and Fire series. Also waiting for my attention, in no particular order, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, and, hopefully, Middle March by George Eliot, to name a few.
Summer is just a good time for overambitious literary insanity, don’t think?
I’m sifting through a handful of old favorites this summer (Anne of Green Gables, The Hardy Boys), but mostly I’m just plowing through the Song of Ice and Fire series. Also waiting for my attention, in no particular order, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, and, hopefully, Middle March by George Eliot, to name a few.
Summer is just a good time for overambitious literary insanity, don’t think?
I’ll be reading the new Ann Patchett and a score of books for starting the MFA in creative writing at Pine Manor College
I’ll be reading the new Ann Patchett and a score of books for starting the MFA in creative writing at Pine Manor College
I’ll be reading the new Ann Patchett and a score of books for starting the MFA in creative writing at Pine Manor College
Kitchen’s Daughter, Still Alice,Silver Girl, and Bean Trees.But, most of the time I don’t follow what I say I am going to read. Hopefully this time.
Kitchen’s Daughter, Still Alice,Silver Girl, and Bean Trees.But, most of the time I don’t follow what I say I am going to read. Hopefully this time.
I’m currently in the middle of Let the Great World Spin. But I have a to-read stack that includes a block of noir (Hammett and Chandler); a double dose of talent (The Talented Mr. Ripley and The Talented Miss Highsmith- bio of Patricia Highsmith); a pair of novels starting with B (Brooklyn and Brideshead Revisited); and quite a few others. I doubt I’ll get to them all this summer because I keep hearing about other interesting books: I’ve read several reviews of The Great Night and The Watery Part of the World and am deeply intrigued by both. Plus I recently rescued many childhood books from my parents’ house and can’t help but reread down memory lane.
I’m currently in the middle of Let the Great World Spin. But I have a to-read stack that includes a block of noir (Hammett and Chandler); a double dose of talent (The Talented Mr. Ripley and The Talented Miss Highsmith- bio of Patricia Highsmith); a pair of novels starting with B (Brooklyn and Brideshead Revisited); and quite a few others. I doubt I’ll get to them all this summer because I keep hearing about other interesting books: I’ve read several reviews of The Great Night and The Watery Part of the World and am deeply intrigued by both. Plus I recently rescued many childhood books from my parents’ house and can’t help but reread down memory lane.
Finished The Paris Wife (wonderful!) so now I’m reading The Sun Also Rises, because The Paris Wife chronicles the time during which Hemingway wrote it. Next up: Pearl of China by Anchee Min. (I’m a huge Pearl Buck fan.)
Finished The Paris Wife (wonderful!) so now I’m reading The Sun Also Rises, because The Paris Wife chronicles the time during which Hemingway wrote it. Next up: Pearl of China by Anchee Min. (I’m a huge Pearl Buck fan.)
Finished The Paris Wife (wonderful!) so now I’m reading The Sun Also Rises, because The Paris Wife chronicles the time during which Hemingway wrote it. Next up: Pearl of China by Anchee Min. (I’m a huge Pearl Buck fan.)
Love your lists. Wish I could read them all. However, I will be starting with Ron Cooper’s Purple Jesus. After that, who knows? Parisians, One Foot in Eden, Mr. Chartwell, and Hare With the Amber Eyes are among the many that await. Oh, really want to get to Skippy Dies, too!
Love your lists. Wish I could read them all. However, I will be starting with Ron Cooper’s Purple Jesus. After that, who knows? Parisians, One Foot in Eden, Mr. Chartwell, and Hare With the Amber Eyes are among the many that await. Oh, really want to get to Skippy Dies, too!
I couldn’t agree more, Laura. Fact is, I always have so much to read, I don’t have the time to make a list! PS: although I can’t really explain why. The ‘something completely unknown that fell into my hands, a year or so ago, and knocked my socks off!’ Was (and is) a book called: The Finishing School by Gail Godwin. (Possibly one of the most brilliant books I’ve ever read!) Also thoroughly enjoy books and short-stories by Roald Dahl, Truman Capote and Ruth Rendall.
(And with that, I’m back to my books!)
‘Bye for now.
I couldn’t agree more, Laura. Fact is, I always have so much to read, I don’t have the time to make a list! PS: although I can’t really explain why. The ‘something completely unknown that fell into my hands, a year or so ago, and knocked my socks off!’ Was (and is) a book called: The Finishing School by Gail Godwin. (Possibly one of the most brilliant books I’ve ever read!) Also thoroughly enjoy books and short-stories by Roald Dahl, Truman Capote and Ruth Rendall.
(And with that, I’m back to my books!)
‘Bye for now.
I am looking forward to reading The Kid by Sapphire the sequel to Precious and The Cut by George Pelecanos. I would love a bag!
I am looking forward to reading The Kid by Sapphire the sequel to Precious and The Cut by George Pelecanos. I would love a bag!
A Visit from the Goon Squad . I’ve been hearing really good things about this book. I’m excited to get a copy of it in my hands.
A Visit from the Goon Squad . I’ve been hearing really good things about this book. I’m excited to get a copy of it in my hands.
A Visit from the Goon Squad . I’ve been hearing really good things about this book. I’m excited to get a copy of it in my hands.
I plan to read Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. In fact I started it already.
I plan to read Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. In fact I started it already.
So many I want to read…but I plan on reading: The Watery Part of The World, The Mermaid Garden, The Paris Wife, Sarah’s Key, The Tiger’s Wife, and Cutting for Stone.
So many I want to read…but I plan on reading: The Watery Part of The World, The Mermaid Garden, The Paris Wife, Sarah’s Key, The Tiger’s Wife, and Cutting for Stone.
I am about to read Tom Perotta’s The Leftovers (out 8/30), the slew of Scandinavian mysteries out this summer, I have Tayari Jones’ first book which I would like to read before Silver Sparrow and (hopefully) some Edith Wharton.
I am about to read Tom Perotta’s The Leftovers (out 8/30), the slew of Scandinavian mysteries out this summer, I have Tayari Jones’ first book which I would like to read before Silver Sparrow and (hopefully) some Edith Wharton.
I am about to read Tom Perotta’s The Leftovers (out 8/30), the slew of Scandinavian mysteries out this summer, I have Tayari Jones’ first book which I would like to read before Silver Sparrow and (hopefully) some Edith Wharton.
Tina Fey’s book and the help are the ones I am excited to read this summer.
Tina Fey’s book and the help are the ones I am excited to read this summer.
I’m looking forward to finishing “West of Here.”
I’m looking forward to finishing “West of Here.”
I’m looking forward to finishing “West of Here.”
I can’t wait to read Dreams of Joy by Lisa See.
I’m looking forward to reading THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett and LOVED Egan’s A VISIT FROM THE GOON SQUAD! Yay to summer reading!!
I’m looking forward to reading THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett and LOVED Egan’s A VISIT FROM THE GOON SQUAD! Yay to summer reading!!
I’m looking forward to reading THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett and LOVED Egan’s A VISIT FROM THE GOON SQUAD! Yay to summer reading!!
Megan Fishmann–Check out The Authentic Animal: Inside the Odd and Obsessive World of Taxidermy by Dave Madden. I’m also looking forward to reading up on prairie ecosystems and native american in Oklahaoma for research of my next book, and then to read Cabin Fever by Tom Montgomery Fate.
Megan Fishmann–Check out The Authentic Animal: Inside the Odd and Obsessive World of Taxidermy by Dave Madden. I’m also looking forward to reading up on prairie ecosystems and native american in Oklahaoma for research of my next book, and then to read Cabin Fever by Tom Montgomery Fate.
Megan Fishmann–Check out The Authentic Animal: Inside the Odd and Obsessive World of Taxidermy by Dave Madden. I’m also looking forward to reading up on prairie ecosystems and native american in Oklahaoma for research of my next book, and then to read Cabin Fever by Tom Montgomery Fate.
Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charley” and “Once There Was a War”, Paul Berkowitz ” The Case of the Indian Trader”, Michael Wallis’ “David Crockett”….finishing a book by Helene Hanff, “Apple of My Eye”
Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charley” and “Once There Was a War”, Paul Berkowitz ” The Case of the Indian Trader”, Michael Wallis’ “David Crockett”….finishing a book by Helene Hanff, “Apple of My Eye”
Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charley” and “Once There Was a War”, Paul Berkowitz ” The Case of the Indian Trader”, Michael Wallis’ “David Crockett”….finishing a book by Helene Hanff, “Apple of My Eye”
State of Wonder, Before I Go To Sleep and Bossypants…in that order. Happy summer!
I started A Visit From the Goon Squad two days ago and am really enjoying it.
I am really looking forward to the follow up to The Magicians, The Magician King.
This blog post gave me lots more ideas for my reading list.
I started A Visit From the Goon Squad two days ago and am really enjoying it.
I am really looking forward to the follow up to The Magicians, The Magician King.
This blog post gave me lots more ideas for my reading list.
I started A Visit From the Goon Squad two days ago and am really enjoying it.
I am really looking forward to the follow up to The Magicians, The Magician King.
This blog post gave me lots more ideas for my reading list.
I’m reading Turn Left at the Trojan Horse by Brad Herzog. I also plan to read The Summer Book by Tove Jansson, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collings, and Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
I’m reading Turn Left at the Trojan Horse by Brad Herzog. I also plan to read The Summer Book by Tove Jansson, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collings, and Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
I’m reading Turn Left at the Trojan Horse by Brad Herzog. I also plan to read The Summer Book by Tove Jansson, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collings, and Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
This summer, I’ve got a whole stack of books to read, among them are “Man With a Pan” – John Donohue, “Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim” and “Me Talk Pretty One Day” – both by David Sedaris. Currently working on the end of “Barrel Fever” also by David Sedaris. Never too much to read, and Algonquin Books always has a myriad of excellent suggestions. Thanks!
These are great ideas! I’m hoping to read a lot of books about New York–let’s just say it’s for research, as well as a hefty does of YA fiction. Can’t wait!
These are great ideas! I’m hoping to read a lot of books about New York–let’s just say it’s for research, as well as a hefty does of YA fiction. Can’t wait!
These are great ideas! I’m hoping to read a lot of books about New York–let’s just say it’s for research, as well as a hefty does of YA fiction. Can’t wait!
I’m looking forward to so many books this summer that I just don’t think I’ll be sleeping at all! I’m especially looking forward to finally reading The Tiger’s Wife, especially now that Tea Obreht won the Orange Prize. I am also really excited to read Before I Go To Sleep, State of Wonder, and Never Knowing. I’m in the middle of reading The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma (I believe it comes out next week), and it is really really good. That might not count exactly since I’ve already started it but I’m looking forward to finishing it!
I’m looking forward to so many books this summer that I just don’t think I’ll be sleeping at all! I’m especially looking forward to finally reading The Tiger’s Wife, especially now that Tea Obreht won the Orange Prize. I am also really excited to read Before I Go To Sleep, State of Wonder, and Never Knowing. I’m in the middle of reading The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma (I believe it comes out next week), and it is really really good. That might not count exactly since I’ve already started it but I’m looking forward to finishing it!
I’m looking forward to so many books this summer that I just don’t think I’ll be sleeping at all! I’m especially looking forward to finally reading The Tiger’s Wife, especially now that Tea Obreht won the Orange Prize. I am also really excited to read Before I Go To Sleep, State of Wonder, and Never Knowing. I’m in the middle of reading The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma (I believe it comes out next week), and it is really really good. That might not count exactly since I’ve already started it but I’m looking forward to finishing it!
My New American Life by Prose
Buried secrets by Finder
The Year We Left Home by Thompson
French Lessons by Sussman
My New American Life by Prose
Buried secrets by Finder
The Year We Left Home by Thompson
French Lessons by Sussman
My New American Life by Prose
Buried secrets by Finder
The Year We Left Home by Thompson
French Lessons by Sussman
Just made my July list from these suggestions. Thanks
City of Thieves, Wolf hall, Galore, Heresy, and Crookedn Letter
Just made my July list from these suggestions. Thanks
City of Thieves, Wolf hall, Galore, Heresy, and Crookedn Letter
I’m currently reading We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver–was looking forward to it and now can’t put it down. I’m also planning on The Orchard Keeper by Cormac McCarthy, and Peter Straub’s A Dark Matter.
I’m currently reading We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver–was looking forward to it and now can’t put it down. I’m also planning on The Orchard Keeper by Cormac McCarthy, and Peter Straub’s A Dark Matter.
I’m currently reading We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver–was looking forward to it and now can’t put it down. I’m also planning on The Orchard Keeper by Cormac McCarthy, and Peter Straub’s A Dark Matter.
“Cloud Atlas” is one of my favorites, and I’ve been saving “The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet” for this summer. For some reason, I’ve never read Nora Ephron’s famous “Heartburn,” and that’s on the list too. (And that little-known thing that I saw in a remainders pile . . . “The Lion’s Husband”? Something like that?
So many good books out this summer. I’m reading Map of Time right now. Next in line is Turn of Mind and then State of Wonder.
There’s always so many books on my to-read list, taunting me from their stack on my desk. But the near-future ones include: Exley (the only Brock Clarke book I still haven’t read), Fortress of Solitude, Wesley the Owl, Eating Animals, the complete Sailor & Lula, and Hell’s Angels.
There’s always so many books on my to-read list, taunting me from their stack on my desk. But the near-future ones include: Exley (the only Brock Clarke book I still haven’t read), Fortress of Solitude, Wesley the Owl, Eating Animals, the complete Sailor & Lula, and Hell’s Angels.
There’s always so many books on my to-read list, taunting me from their stack on my desk. But the near-future ones include: Exley (the only Brock Clarke book I still haven’t read), Fortress of Solitude, Wesley the Owl, Eating Animals, the complete Sailor & Lula, and Hell’s Angels.
Right now, I’m having some fun reading a bunch of mind-candy chick-lit, but I look forward to switching to: “Silver Sparrow” “Maine” and “Dreams of Joy.”
Right now, I’m having some fun reading a bunch of mind-candy chick-lit, but I look forward to switching to: “Silver Sparrow” “Maine” and “Dreams of Joy.”
Right now, I’m having some fun reading a bunch of mind-candy chick-lit, but I look forward to switching to: “Silver Sparrow” “Maine” and “Dreams of Joy.”
Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan, The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by Jeanne Birdsall, The Help by Kathryn Stockett (finally!), Smokin’ Seventeen by Janet Evanovich, Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter… just to name a few!
I look forward to reading “Just Kids” by Patti Smith.And also all of the “hidden treasures” I can find of which Algonquin always has plenty for me to discover.
I look forward to reading “Just Kids” by Patti Smith.And also all of the “hidden treasures” I can find of which Algonquin always has plenty for me to discover.
I look forward to reading “Just Kids” by Patti Smith.And also all of the “hidden treasures” I can find of which Algonquin always has plenty for me to discover.
Reading Sister by Rosamund Lupton now, and plan to go onto a re-read of The Best of Everything by Rona Jaffe from there.
Reading The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly; Mouth to Mouth poems by 12 contemporary Mexican women; Watermark by Vanitha Sankaran; The Lazarus Project by Aleksander Hemon; 13 1/2 by Nevada Barr; Wooroloo by Frieda Hughes;Secret River by Kate Grenville; Skeletons on the Zahara by Dean King; and Skeletons at the Feast by Chris Bohjalian. And of course anything else that pops up and catches my eye
Reading The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly; Mouth to Mouth poems by 12 contemporary Mexican women; Watermark by Vanitha Sankaran; The Lazarus Project by Aleksander Hemon; 13 1/2 by Nevada Barr; Wooroloo by Frieda Hughes;Secret River by Kate Grenville; Skeletons on the Zahara by Dean King; and Skeletons at the Feast by Chris Bohjalian. And of course anything else that pops up and catches my eye
Reading The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly; Mouth to Mouth poems by 12 contemporary Mexican women; Watermark by Vanitha Sankaran; The Lazarus Project by Aleksander Hemon; 13 1/2 by Nevada Barr; Wooroloo by Frieda Hughes;Secret River by Kate Grenville; Skeletons on the Zahara by Dean King; and Skeletons at the Feast by Chris Bohjalian. And of course anything else that pops up and catches my eye
In the Garden of the Beasts, Caleb’s Crossing, and 1861: Civil War Awakening.
In the Garden of the Beasts, Caleb’s Crossing, and 1861: Civil War Awakening.
In the Garden of the Beasts, Caleb’s Crossing, and 1861: Civil War Awakening.
Garden of beasts ,calebs crossing,tina fey, Alice Munros stories &on &on
Reading Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, and Doc by Mary Doria Russell. And I am starting at the beginning of Jo Nesbo’s “Harry Hole” dectective series. Snowman was so good, glad there are more out there to be read.
Reading Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, and Doc by Mary Doria Russell. And I am starting at the beginning of Jo Nesbo’s “Harry Hole” dectective series. Snowman was so good, glad there are more out there to be read.
Reading Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, and Doc by Mary Doria Russell. And I am starting at the beginning of Jo Nesbo’s “Harry Hole” dectective series. Snowman was so good, glad there are more out there to be read.
I’m reading all three of the Stieg Larsson books this summer. One down, 2 to go. I’m writing down all of these suggestions, too.
I’m reading all three of the Stieg Larsson books this summer. One down, 2 to go. I’m writing down all of these suggestions, too.
I’m reading all three of the Stieg Larsson books this summer. One down, 2 to go. I’m writing down all of these suggestions, too.
I attended BEA and got a ton of books that I am ploughing through. my Kindle will be a paperweight for while. I am psyched about The Leftovers by Tom Perrotta. Also Silver Girl by Elin Hilderbrand and Faith by Jennifer Haigh.
BTW, I tore through When She Woke by Hillary Jordan. One of the best books I’ve read this year.
I attended BEA and got a ton of books that I am ploughing through. my Kindle will be a paperweight for while. I am psyched about The Leftovers by Tom Perrotta. Also Silver Girl by Elin Hilderbrand and Faith by Jennifer Haigh.
BTW, I tore through When She Woke by Hillary Jordan. One of the best books I’ve read this year.
I am looking forward to reading A Visit from the Goon Squad..and I just bought In the Garden of Beasts.
I am looking forward to reading A Visit from the Goon Squad..and I just bought In the Garden of Beasts.
I am looking forward to reading A Visit from the Goon Squad..and I just bought In the Garden of Beasts.
I’m looking forward to reading Michael Chabon’s The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, The Selected Poems of Larry Levis, The Disappeared by Kim Echlin, and Half Life by Darin Strauss. I recently read Silver Sparrow and really enjoyed it!
I’m looking forward to reading Michael Chabon’s The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, The Selected Poems of Larry Levis, The Disappeared by Kim Echlin, and Half Life by Darin Strauss. I recently read Silver Sparrow and really enjoyed it!
I need to start cleaning out my Kindle, I’ve been downloading a lot of free books. The last Steig Larsson hasn’t been read, and I’ve heard wonderful things about The Snowman by Nesbro and The Year We Left Home by Thompson. It’s too bad I work at a library, so much temptation!
I need to start cleaning out my Kindle, I’ve been downloading a lot of free books. The last Steig Larsson hasn’t been read, and I’ve heard wonderful things about The Snowman by Nesbro and The Year We Left Home by Thompson. It’s too bad I work at a library, so much temptation!
I’m reading A Fraction of the Whole now. On my TBR list this summer: Brooklyn by Colm Toibin, State of Wonder by Ann Patchett.
I’m reading A Fraction of the Whole now. On my TBR list this summer: Brooklyn by Colm Toibin, State of Wonder by Ann Patchett.
I’m reading A Fraction of the Whole now. On my TBR list this summer: Brooklyn by Colm Toibin, State of Wonder by Ann Patchett.
On a dare from my cousin I am reading all the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich including hopefully 17 that is due out this month.
On a dare from my cousin I am reading all the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich including hopefully 17 that is due out this month.
I have probably changed my mind after skimming the list here. And I have a piece of paper and pen handy to write down what everyone else is listing in order that I will never miss a good book. I am now reading, from the first of the summer stack, “Jerusalem Maiden” by Talia Carner. Hard to put down!
I have probably changed my mind after skimming the list here. And I have a piece of paper and pen handy to write down what everyone else is listing in order that I will never miss a good book. I am now reading, from the first of the summer stack, “Jerusalem Maiden” by Talia Carner. Hard to put down!
I have probably changed my mind after skimming the list here. And I have a piece of paper and pen handy to write down what everyone else is listing in order that I will never miss a good book. I am now reading, from the first of the summer stack, “Jerusalem Maiden” by Talia Carner. Hard to put down!
I’m currently reading Liane Moriarty’s What Alice Forgot & Ann Brashares Sisterhood Everlasting. Followed by Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom & Egan’s AVisit from the Goon Squad
I’m currently reading Liane Moriarty’s What Alice Forgot & Ann Brashares Sisterhood Everlasting. Followed by Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom & Egan’s AVisit from the Goon Squad
So many great books in this post! I’m going to be reading mostly from my shelves with a Thursday Next series re-read (Jasper Fforde), some Georgette Heyer and a couple of classics (probably Trollope, Dickens and Wilkie Collins). I have been spending a LOT of time sorting through my books to choose my summer reads!
So many great books in this post! I’m going to be reading mostly from my shelves with a Thursday Next series re-read (Jasper Fforde), some Georgette Heyer and a couple of classics (probably Trollope, Dickens and Wilkie Collins). I have been spending a LOT of time sorting through my books to choose my summer reads!
Just finished “Before I Go to Sleep” by S. J. Watson –wow! This afternoon started “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern, with “The Tiger’s Wife” by Tea Obreht soon to follow. And this is the summer I take all the notes I stuffed into “1000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die” and start ordering some CDs!
Just finished “Before I Go to Sleep” by S. J. Watson –wow! This afternoon started “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern, with “The Tiger’s Wife” by Tea Obreht soon to follow. And this is the summer I take all the notes I stuffed into “1000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die” and start ordering some CDs!
Just finished “Before I Go to Sleep” by S. J. Watson –wow! This afternoon started “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern, with “The Tiger’s Wife” by Tea Obreht soon to follow. And this is the summer I take all the notes I stuffed into “1000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die” and start ordering some CDs!
Mudbound by Hillary Jordan is one of the best books I have read in recent years. It is the story of 2 families and the secrets they live with. Each chapter offers a different point of view from a main character. I have already recommended this book to all of my friends.
Mudbound by Hillary Jordan is one of the best books I have read in recent years. It is the story of 2 families and the secrets they live with. Each chapter offers a different point of view from a main character. I have already recommended this book to all of my friends.
I am looking forward to finally finishing Freedom, which I have been reading since its September pub date (please, don’t ask). Supplementing with fiction: Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder, Josephine Tey’s The Daughter of Time, Nicola Upson’s An Expert in Murder (feature Josephine Tey as a sleuth),Dean Bakopoulos’ My American Unhappiness, and Ben Aaronovitch’s Midnight Riot. And nonfiction: Mark Kurlansky’s Salt, the new Sarah Vowell, and Jennet Conant’s A Covert Affair: Paul Child and Julia Child in the OSS.
I am looking forward to finally finishing Freedom, which I have been reading since its September pub date (please, don’t ask). Supplementing with fiction: Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder, Josephine Tey’s The Daughter of Time, Nicola Upson’s An Expert in Murder (feature Josephine Tey as a sleuth),Dean Bakopoulos’ My American Unhappiness, and Ben Aaronovitch’s Midnight Riot. And nonfiction: Mark Kurlansky’s Salt, the new Sarah Vowell, and Jennet Conant’s A Covert Affair: Paul Child and Julia Child in the OSS.
I have a ridiculous amount of books on my “To-Read” list this summer. Including: The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern, “The Tiger’s Wife” by Tea Obreht and “The Orchard” by Theresa Weir. So many good books out right now and not enough time in the day to get to all of them, but I sure can try!
I have a ridiculous amount of books on my “To-Read” list this summer. Including: The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern, “The Tiger’s Wife” by Tea Obreht and “The Orchard” by Theresa Weir. So many good books out right now and not enough time in the day to get to all of them, but I sure can try!
I’ve already had a great start to my summer reading with Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder, S.J. Bolton’s Now You See Me, and Alan Brennert’s Honolulu. These three authors have all given me favorites even before the recent three reads. Some other books that I’m looking forward to this summer are Geraldine Brooks’ Caleb Crossing, Tess Gerritsen’s The Silent Girl, Deanna Raybourne’s The Dark Inquiry, Erik Larson’s In the Garden of the Beast, Rebecca Makkai’s The Borrower, Dan Simmons’ Flashback, and Maggie Stiefvater’s Forever.
Too many books to read! Up next A Good Hard Look by Ann Napolitano, Girl in the Blue Beret by Bobbie Ann Mason and State of Wonder by Ann Patchett are tops on my list.
Too many books to read! Up next A Good Hard Look by Ann Napolitano, Girl in the Blue Beret by Bobbie Ann Mason and State of Wonder by Ann Patchett are tops on my list.
Too many books to read! Up next A Good Hard Look by Ann Napolitano, Girl in the Blue Beret by Bobbie Ann Mason and State of Wonder by Ann Patchett are tops on my list.
So many books, so little time as the old cliche goes. I can’t stand the thought of not always having a book going. I have a few lined up that I am very excited about. I just ordered The Front Porch Prophet by Raymond Atkins which I am really looking forward to diving into! Also The Bayou Trilogy by Daniel Woodrell and The Help. So that’s where I am starting my summer reading with many more to follow. Happy Reading everyone!!
We also have Caleb’s Crossing and Maine on our list of summer reccomendations! We actually created a quick, fun and easy 10 question summer reading quiz to get personalized recommendations on what you may enjoy reading this summer! Feel free to check out the quiz here:
Thanks again for sharing your summer reads with us!
We also have Caleb’s Crossing and Maine on our list of summer reccomendations! We actually created a quick, fun and easy 10 question summer reading quiz to get personalized recommendations on what you may enjoy reading this summer! Feel free to check out the quiz here:
Thanks again for sharing your summer reads with us!
We also have Caleb’s Crossing and Maine on our list of summer reccomendations! We actually created a quick, fun and easy 10 question summer reading quiz to get personalized recommendations on what you may enjoy reading this summer! Feel free to check out the quiz here:
Thanks again for sharing your summer reads with us!