Today we share our third installment in our Ask An Algonquin Editor series. Senior editor Kathy Pories knows that while many readers would never admit it, we often judge a book by its cover. She answers the question, “Why is a paperback jacket often different from its hardcover version?” Kathy shares theContinue reading

Summer’s winding down, but we still have plenty of time left to cram in more summer reading, right? We recently asked our authors to tell us about their favorite summer reads, whether from recent memory or the distant past. The variety of books they came up with is really kind of amazing. Herewith, Part 1.Continue reading

Before embarking on any author/editor relationship, I—as the editor—like to get to know the other person at least a little bit. That way I can avoid the true crazies and focus on the merely wildly eccentric (and what writer worth his/her salt isn’t a little bit crazy?). And after my first conversation with Jonathan Evison,Continue reading