Good things come in small packages, the saying goes. And this month’s batch of short story collections certainly proves it right—and at a small price. Each e-book is just $1.99 throughout May and includes a free preview of Bobcat and Other Stories, Rebecca Lee’s hotly anticipated new story collection.       Facing the MusicContinue reading

“This is not your mother’s Southern fiction.” – Candler Hunt, Olsson’s Books and Records   It’s your last chance to take advantage of this month’s set of Lucky 7 e-books, only $1.99 through August 31st. While there’s still time, let’s take a closer look at one of the selections – George Singleton’s Why Dogs Chase Cars, a collection of stories that captureContinue reading

A Funny Thing Happened Some laughs come from the belly and make you gasp for air. Some come as chuckles and a wry smile. We offer up seven books that will make you giggle, tee-hee, guffaw, and think. Oh, and have you heard the one about the perfectly priced e-books? Just $1.99 from August 1Continue reading