March Madness, spring training, and the soon-to-bloom azaleas at Augusta National beckon us this time of year. It’s the sporting season, and we have just the e-books to get you in the swing. Buy any of these e-books for just $1.99 throughout March, and go inside the games to the stories that stir us andContinue reading

Today we have an excerpt from James Dodson‘s award winning A Son Of The Game. This wise memoir about finding new meaning through an old sport is filled with anecdotes about the history of the game and of Pinehurst, the home of American golf, where many larger-than-life legends played some of their greatest rounds. ExcerptContinue reading

Algonquin authors have been getting some attention lately, snatching up awards and nominations. The International Network Of Golf is a 20-year-old, non-profit, media-based networking organization whose mission is to enhance and promote communication and education in golf. At the 17th annual ING Media Awards, James Dodson took first place in the “Book Author” category forContinue reading