This month marks the publication of the beautiful paperback edition of Lauren Grodstein’s critically acclaimed novel A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY, an Algonquin staff favorite. Lauren’s suburban tragedy charts a father’s fall from grace as he struggles to save his family, his reputation, and ultimately himself. Trust me, it’s a book that will grab you fromContinue reading

DETROIT DIARY Morning BBQ, Bookstores in Airports, & Red Cowboy Boots: Life on the road at GLIBA’s trade show . Monday, October 7th, 10:48am: On Friday, Algonquin has me all set to board a plane for Dearborn, Michigan, en route to visit GLIBA—the Great Lakes Independent Booksellers Association–which will be my first trade show. Dearborn!Continue reading

In honor of my recent arrival at Algonquin (and, let’s be honest, my birthday  week), Algonquin has been nice enough to let me cap off the month by sharing a few of my favorite things. And what better way to celebrate my birthday than to offer a giveaway, right? Share with me one of yourContinue reading