Over half of our Chapel Hill office lives in Durham, which is (undeniably) the coolest town in the Triangle. We–the 50% plus of us, that is–are not-so-secretly trying to move our office to downtown Durham. One major reason? The Regulator Bookshop. (Also, Banh’s, which has the best Vietnamese food anywhere, bar none.) We frequent theContinue reading

Elisabeth Tova Bailey, author of The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating (an office favorite), spoke with NPR “Weekend Edition Saturday” host Scott Simon about her illness, her ongoing recovery, and the benefits of slowing down to a “snail’s pace.” You can listen to the interview here and read an excerpt from The Sound ofContinue reading

Bill Alexander had a fantastic interview on NPR’s Diane Rehm Show yesterday, discussing his new book 52 LOAVES.  You can listen to the interview, read the comments, and check out his recipe for peasant bread here. 52 LOAVES was also reviewed on the food blog Chocolate & Zucchini. They called it “An engaging and instructiveContinue reading

Wednesday, NPR’s All Things Considered did a feature on Heidi Durrow and her book The Girl Who Fell From The Sky. The piece is called “Reimagining The ‘Tragic Mulatto’” and discusses the novel, Durrow’s roots, and the social implications of being of mixed-racial descent in the U.S. today. Listen!

I’ve decided that I would like Heidi Durrow to be my best friend, please. She’s smart. She’s glamorous. And she wrote this novel, called The Girl Who Fell From The Sky, that’s pretty much shaking the book-world by the shoulders. Here’s the deal with Durrow: 1.   She’s done a little bit of everything. In thisContinue reading

Monday, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., on NPR’s All Things Considered, host Michele Norris will be interviewing Heidi Durrow on her new book, The Girl Who Fell From The Sky. So, while you’re driving home or making dinner or digging trenches (or doing whatever you do in the early evening), be sure to tuneContinue reading