Naomi Benaron’s riveting debut novel, Running the Rift (pub. date: January 17, 2012), chronicles the story of a gifted Rwandan boy, Jean Patrick Nkuba, from the day he knows that running will be his life (he dreams of competing in the Olympics) to the moment he must run to save his life, a ten-year spanContinue reading

Name: Josh Christie Bookstore: Sherman’s Books and Stationery, Freeport Title: Bookseller Brief Bio: Josh Christie started his career in bookselling in 2004, working as a frontline bookseller at Sherman’s Books and Stationery in Camden, Maine. While he is still working for Maine’s oldest bookseller (Sherman’s opened in 1886), he now hangs his hat at Sherman’sContinue reading

Recently we attended the annual BookExpo America trade show, the largest publishing gathering in the country, to promote our current and forthcoming Fall 2011 titles. The reception this year was quite spectacular, and many of our authors–Tayari Jones (Silver Sparrow), Jon Michaud (When Tito Loved Clara), Martha Southgate (A Taste of Salt), Heidi Durrow (TheContinue reading

Will you be at Book Expo America this year? The Algonquin booth (#4252) will be rocking all week with author appearances and signings, must-grab galley giveaways, and more. Please join us for the following–all events in the Algonquin booth unless otherwise noted: Monday 4:30 – 5:45 p.m. Editor’s Buzz Panel: Senior Editor Kathy Pories discussesContinue reading

Algonquin Books Senior Editor Kathy Pories talks about the Bellwether Prize, the publication prize founded by Barbara Kingsolver to recognize literature that addresses issues of social justice. Algonquin published two Bellwether Prize winners–Hillary Jordan‘s Mudbound and Heidi Durrow‘s The Girl Who Fell from the Sky–to great success. Mudbound has over 170,000 copies in print andContinue reading

Five years ago, I stood on the periphery of the Duke University Chapel during the North Carolina Literary Festival, straining to hear the speaker. I was on the periphery because the chapel was packed full, so that many of us had spilled outside the large cathedral doors. On the stage, about the size of myContinue reading