With the opening line of “My father, James Witherspoon, is a bigamist,” Tayari Jones unveils a breathtaking story about a man’s deception, a family’s complicity, and two teenage girls caught in the middle.   Set in Atlanta in the 1980s, Silver Sparrow revolves around James Witherspoon’s two families – his public one…and his secret one.Continue reading

Will you be at Book Expo America this year? The Algonquin booth (#4252) will be rocking all week with author appearances and signings, must-grab galley giveaways, and more. Please join us for the following–all events in the Algonquin booth unless otherwise noted: Monday 4:30 – 5:45 p.m. Editor’s Buzz Panel: Senior Editor Kathy Pories discussesContinue reading

AWP doesn’t really stand for awesome writers party, but it sort of should. I’m in the midst of my vintage beaded sweater and red cowboy boots tour but I’m reporting from the confines of my Chicago hotel. Held in two huge hotels (there were actually guides along the way to shepherd all the lost soulsContinue reading

Back in late January we announced that Algonquin author Tayari Jones was giving away three Advance Review Copies of her forthcoming novel, Silver Sparrow (publishing in late May). Over 200 people entered! Tayari, being the wonderful person she is, decided to write down each name on a slip of paper and then video recorded herselfContinue reading

A Silver Sparrow Giveaway! . Just leave a comment on Tayari’s blog post for a chance to win! Do you want a copy of my new novel? . If you do, you’re in luck. My team at Algonquin has offered to give away three copies! To enter the contest, just leave me a comment. OnContinue reading

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the NewSouth is publishing an updated version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that omits racially sensitive words. We consider this completely backwards and can’t help but imagine Mark Twain spinning in his grave. Tayari Jones, whose exquisite novel Silver Sparrow we’ll be publishing May 24, sums upContinue reading