Over half of our Chapel Hill office lives in Durham, which is (undeniably) the coolest town in the Triangle. We–the 50% plus of us, that is–are not-so-secretly trying to move our office to downtown Durham. One major reason? The Regulator Bookshop. (Also, Banh’s, which has the best Vietnamese food anywhere, bar none.) We frequent theContinue reading

Today’s feature comes courtesy of the awesome folks at Workman Publishing, who asked National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo) founder Chris Baty to write a guest post for them. We loved it so much we wanted to share it on our blog as well. One reason we’re such big fans of NaNoWriMo? It’s what startedContinue reading

Even though the movie isn’t set to release until April 15 (which is still 256 days away), fans of Water for Elephants (and Robert Pattinson) cannot wait to see this movie! Filming has wrapped and photos from the set have slowed to a trickle, but stay strong WFE fans! Twitter user Oh_Logan created this fabulousContinue reading

After an exciting three months of movie updates and set photos, the Water for Elephants film has wrapped. With an announced release date of April 15, we now have to wait eight long months for the producers, directors, and movie editors to work their magic. We’re going to miss seeing photos of Tai/Rosie the elephant,Continue reading

From Shelf Awareness: Sara Gruen with Tai, the elephant portraying Rosie, on the set of Water for Elephants. Gruen is the author of Water for Elephants (Algonquin) and Ape House, which will be published by Spiegel & Grau September 7. The movie–starring Robert Pattinson; Academy Award winners Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz; and Academy AwardContinue reading