I was inspired this month by all the great books with “March” in the title: Middlemarch, The Ides of March, The March… There’s a wealth of month-centric literature out there, just waiting to be discovered! Your assignment for next month is to read something with “April” in the title (awesome suggestion). 1. Book Snobs. I’mContinue reading

Ah, another month has come and gone, which means it’s time for March and Spring. So rejoice, Booklovers, unless you were born in a leap year, in which case I’m really sorry the world is skipping your birthday again. 1. Hot Covers. I have a confession to make. I judge books by their covers. NotContinue reading

This January I discovered 8 new reasons to fall in love with books, all over again. 1. Cooked Books. I have read books about famous cooks. I have referenced books while cooking. I saw Julie & Julia. This is different. Well Done is a book that appears empty…until you BAKE IT IN THE OVEN. IContinue reading

Our offices close at 3 today and I’m looking forward to a jump-start on the New Year! We’ll see all of you in 2010! Amazon’s top 100 from 2009. This made me lol. More alternative uses for newspaper. I have :always: wanted a spiral staircase — and now I want this specific one! What’s oldContinue reading

A genius way to stash your books. Hear from the designer behind the new Penguin Classics beauties. Where Books Come to Life. The Best Book Covers of 2009 (we made the list with Wicked Plants and Our Noise!) Cool notebooks here. Kind of makes me want to go back to school, along with one ofContinue reading

Every day, I wake up, go to work, and then I get to help make books. That’s a beautiful thing. And no matter how many years I’ve been doing it, I suspect I’ll still always have a twinge of excitement when I see one of our “babies” face out in my favorite bookstore or inContinue reading