Giveaway Tuesday: The Receptionist

It’s publication day for the paperback edition of The Receptionist, and we are giving away a free copy. Enter below for your chance to win the novel The Boston Globe called “a literate, revelatory examination of self.”

The Receptionist

by Janet Groth

In 1957, when a young Midwestern woman landed a job at The New Yorker, she didn’t expect to stay long at the reception desk. But stay she did, and for twenty-one years she had the best seat in the house.

In addition to taking messages, she ran interference for jealous wives checking on adulterous husbands, drank with famous writers at famous watering holes throughout bohemian Greenwich Village, and was seduced, two-timed, and proposed to by a few of the magazine’s eccentric luminaries.

This memoir of a particular time and place is an enchanting tale of a woman in search of herself.



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4 comments on “Giveaway Tuesday: The Receptionist

  1. Thanks for another great contest. I am keen to read ‘The Receptionist’; it sounds very interesting.

  2. Heard about this book. Sounds like a good time.

  3. This book (and reviews of it) sound very interesting.

    (Not clear to me if I “need” to comment in order to enter draw for book?)

  4. I have read and reviewed two of my wins from Algonquin on my blog.


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