Armchair Travel Spring is here, and there’s no better time to dream about escaping to far off destinations. Paris, Venice, Buenos Aires, Hawaii—the world is your oyster, and these seven armchair travel titles are ready to be cracked open and savored. From April 9 to April 22, you can purchase any of them for only $1.99. SoContinue reading

Maria Finn, author of the new memoir Hold Me Tight and Tango Me Home, has been on a whirlwind tour of West Coast bookstores for the past month and just touched down in New York last week for two amazing events in the city. She’s had tango demonstrations and lessons at almost every stop andContinue reading

Maria Finn’s new memoir Hold Me Tight, and Tango Me Home (and the ongoing Heartbreak Competition at Maria’s website)  is featured on The New Yorker’s “Book Bench” blog today. Read the article here. “After she discovered that her husband had been unfaithful, Maria Finn threw out his possessions, divorced him, and began considering the nextContinue reading

Today we have the first chapter of Maria Finn‘s new memoir, Hold Me Tight and Tango Me Home. This selection is about Finn’s first tango lesson after her split from her cheating husband. She’s learning how to step and maintain her frame, but she’s also learning to be touched–not in a romantic way, but justContinue reading

When I learned of my husband’s infidelity and sunk into a messy funk, one thing that surprised me were all the friends and acquaintances I had who had experienced something similar, but hadn’t mentioned it to me before. One girlfriend learned her husband was cheating when she checked her credit card bills and realized heContinue reading

This month we are celebrating the release of Maria Finn‘s memoir, Hold Me Tight & Tango Me Home! And just in time for Valentine’s Day, too. If you’re interested in dance, literature, or love (all hands should be in the air), you can check out her blog here. Personally, I’m excited about Finn’s Heartbreak Competition.Continue reading