Algonquin is bringing sexy back this Valentine’s Day. Here is suggested mood music for “rounding the bases” — yes, those bases—from some of Algonquin’s authors. (We’ve finally answered the question, “Who wrote the book of love?) Click on each song to sing along… First Base Suggestions by Jill McCorkle, author of Life After LifeContinue reading

Viewer discretion advised: this post has been rated R for reading.  We’ve uploaded several new book trailers on our YouTube channel, and you have a front row seat.  You won’t have to worry about missing these trailers while waiting in the concession stand line. In the trailer for The Day My Brain Exploded, Ashok RajamaniContinue reading

Name: Gerry Donaghy Bookstore: Powell’s City of Books Title: New Book Purchasing Supervisor Brief Bio: I was born in Philadelphia in the late 60’s, graduated from Reed College, and have worked at Powell’s for over 16 years (despite promising my mother it would only be a summer job). In addition to Powell’s, I’ve recently startedContinue reading

So much praise, so much love for The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving this week, that we just had to pull the book out for our Friday Desk Read: •Amazon features Jonathan Evison — “Ken Kesey’s spiritual heir, one of our editors called him” — and The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving in its Omnivoracious Q&A blog.Continue reading

It’s Monday, time to give you free stuff. And this Monday, we are NOT giving away a book. Oh no, no books here. What do you think we are — a publishing house or something? Today, we’re giving away the super-fly, limited-edition, rarely-seen-in-nature The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving T-shirt! It is, indeed, a special shirt.Continue reading

It’s Monday, which means we’re just a bit more than a week away from the publication of Jonathan Evison’s highly acclaimed and greatly anticipated new novel, The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving. And Monday means we’re giving away one copy of The Revised Fundamentals to one randomly chosen person. Just fill out the form below forContinue reading