We — and you — enjoyed Giveaway Mondays in July so much that we’ve decided to keep the fun going. Giveaway Mondays will continue for the foreseeable future, but they’ll be a little bit different. Different from how they have been, different from week to week. We won’t always be giving away galley copies. WeContinue reading

Here are the answers to our First Lines of Fall 2012 Quiz (below). Did you match the right line with the right book? Those who did will be eligible to win free advance copies of the title of their choice. (Winner will receive an email notifying them.) No matter, though. You can still click belowContinue reading

A forged Degas masterpiece • a mysterious Connecticut mansion • a hysterical and heartbreaking road trip • a sequestered and grieving husband • war and exile in Sri Lanka • the old country and the new world of one family. These are the stories, the Fall fiction for Algonquin 2012. Complex, compelling tales already– and you’ve only read a fewContinue reading

Every Monday in July, we’re giving away FREE advance copies of our amazing fall lineup. TODAY The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving by Jonathan Evison This is your chance to read it before you can buy it. Be the first on your block to have a copy of The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving by Jonathan Evison.Continue reading

Before embarking on any author/editor relationship, I—as the editor—like to get to know the other person at least a little bit. That way I can avoid the true crazies and focus on the merely wildly eccentric (and what writer worth his/her salt isn’t a little bit crazy?). And after my first conversation with Jonathan Evison,Continue reading

Jonathan Evison, author of West of Here, and Dan Chaon, author of Await Your Reply, talk “TAGTLAY,” the writing life, music, and the lighter issues–like the role of the subconscious in creative endeavors and the nature of truth.   Dan: Okay, so it’s Sunday morning, mid-February, first non-freezing day in weeks, and two reviews ofContinue reading