Take The Boss to the Beach

As summer winds down and the kids start getting ready to return to school, it’s time for one last weekend getaway. Who better to take with you than The Boss? No, not your supervisor in the corner office. We’re talking about The Boss, Bruce, Mr. Springsteen.

Craig Popelars, Algonquin’s director of marketing, sales, and classic tunes, has the perfect Springsteen six-pack for you:

BruceEvery August of my childhood, my family piled into our Country Squire station wagon and drove through the night from Troy, Ohio, to Ocean City, New Jersey. The ten-hour, ridiculously boring drive to the Jersey Shore was the farthest we ever traveled as a family, but those two weeks at the shore were the highlight of the year: the beach, nights on the boardwalk, amusement park rides, arcade air hockey, fried clams and hoagies, reading books, and writing postcards. So it’s probably understandable why I think August is the absolute perfect time to crank up the Springsteen. Don’t waste your summer praying in vain for a savior to rise from these streets. It’s time to roll down the window and let the wind blow back your hair. And to enjoy this Springsteen video six-pack.
1. Rosalita. The energy in this song and live performance is infectious.
2. Girls in Summer Clothes. A perfect, wistful paean to a summer memory lost by time and age.
3. Prove it All Night. One of ten good reasons why Darkness on the Edge of Town never ages.
4. Glory Days. This song peaked on the charts the summer of 1985, when I graduated from high school.
5. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy). Here, the Jersey boardwalk culture of the seventies is captured perfectly.
6. Thunder Road. Go ahead and sing along: “Show a little faith, there’s magic in the night. You ain’t a beauty, but hey, you’re all right.”


country squire wagon


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