Water for Elephants Movie News

The Water for Elephants movie–starring Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, and Christoph Waltz–won’t be in theaters until 2011, but ever since filming began on May 20, photos from the set have been popping up everywhere.  The stars clearly have been hard at work; Pattinson is even missing promotional appearances for Twilight Eclipse . Talk about dedication! You can follow the Water for Elephants Film blog for daily updates and new photos.

And behold! We’re giving away three copies of Water for Elephants, along with some choice Twilight paraphernalia (because c’mon, who doesn’t love RPatz?). Want to win? Just post a comment below and on Friday, June 18, we’ll choose three lucky winners at random.

Robert Pattinson and Christoph Waltz
Robert Pattinson as Jacob Jankowski, from People.com's website
Reese Witherspoon as Marlena, and Robert Pattinson as Jacob Jankowski film a scene

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328 comments on “Water for Elephants Movie News

  1. I’d love to win a copy, thank you!

  2. Reading the book now and all I can see as Jacob is Robert!! He is going to be perfect!!

  3. This movie is Oscar worthy thanks to its material and quality of actors. Cannot wait for it to come to theaters next year!

  4. I seriously can’t wait for this movie to come out!!

  5. Reading the book now and all I see is Robert as Jacob!! He is going to be perfect!!

  6. The Most Anticipated film of 2011!

  7. I seriously can’t wait for this movie to come out!!!

  8. I would love to win something! That would be awesome….thanks for doing a giveaway!!

  9. Love Rob in this role, definitely Oscar material!

  10. Robert Pattinson looks great for the roll. Love the haircut. This’ll be a hit!

  11. I cannot wait for this movie to come out! All of the actors look great, and a phenomenal book!

  12. WOW! Thanks for the giveaway. I can’t wait to see this movie. Rob has chosen some very interesting movies. They all build on his acting ability. Thanks again.

  13. Most Anticipated film of 2011!

  14. These pics are beautiful! Rob looks so perfect! I’m so excited about this film and I can’t wait to see it!!!

  15. WOW! Thanks for the giveaway. Rob has made some very interesting choices building upon his acting ability. Thanks again.

  16. Cant wait for Water For Elephants to come on our screens.

  17. I borrowed WFE from the library and I am currently reading it now. Love it so far and the pics from the set are awesome! Would be nice to have my own WFE copy… thanks AB!

  18. Looking forward to seeing this book on the movie screen! With the people that have been cast, I’m sure it will be an amazing movie and possibly, Oscar nominated.. keeping fingers crossed! Hopefully Rob will continue his winning streak this year and get nominated for an Oscar. Can’t wait for Water for Elephants to hit the big screen!

  19. WFE is consistently one of our best sellers – new or used. The movie will solidify its place as a classic.

  20. looking forward to seeing this book come to life on the big screen!

  21. Can’t wait to see the movie!!!

  22. I read the book; it was wonderful. I would love to have my own copy so I can read it again. I’m also looking forward to seeing the movie. Rob and Reese are great!

  23. I read my daughter’s copy of the book a couple years ago and just loved the story. I re-read it again when I heard it was going to be made into a movie – I think the casting is brilliant and I know the movie will be everything I imagine, despite the changes they have to make for the script. I would love a copy of this book – I have given it away as a gift but never bought one for myself!

  24. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book & twilight stuff!! I’d love for a chance to win!

  25. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book & twi stuff! I would love to win:-)

  26. Can’t wait for the film to come out! I love rpatz and reese witherspoon!!

  27. I can’t wait for the movie to come out!!

  28. Can’t wait!!

  29. I can’t wait for this film to come out. I loved the book 🙂

  30. I am really looking forward to this film’s release! Cant wait to see what all 3 of the amazing leads bring to it.

  31. Highly looking forward to seeing WFE on the big screen!

  32. I can’t wait for the Water For Elephants movie to out! I love Reese and Rob! 🙂

  33. I loved the book, can’t wait for the movie.

  34. Just read Water For Elephants…great book! Team Rob 😀

  35. I am reading Water for Elephants for the second time and I’m loving it more knowing who’s playing the parts in the movie. It will be epic I’m sure. Can’t wait to see it.

  36. Loved the book. Will make an interesting film. I enjoy both reese and roberts films should be really great to see them together on screen.

  37. this WfE film is one that i am super excited to see next year, even more than “breaking dawn”! would love to win a copy of the book. 🙂

  38. I loved Water for Elephants and I think Rob is utterly perfect for the role as Jacob. He is the only character that as I was reading I could actually see Rob in my head playing the role. All the others, although I’m sure they will be great in the film, I just made up the images of them in my head. I can’t wait for this film and judging by the pictures it’s going to be one of his very best productions.

  39. Everyone keeps telling me this is a great book. I can’t wait to check it out.

  40. I want a book, pretty please? 🙂

  41. Pinkies and toes crossed 😉

  42. I would love to win a copy 🙂

  43. I don’t read this book, so if i win this, i’ll really really happy to can read it !!
    I can’t wait for the movie, and the set pics give us even more eager to watch this wonderful movie very very soon !!!

  44. Rob is sooooo hot as Jacob!!! <3 funny how we talk about Jacob from Water for Elephants , but we're think about Jacob Black from The Twilight Saga

  45. I soooooooo want to read this book before the movie comes out *-*

  46. i’ve never read WFE, and i would love to before seeing the movie (:

  47. I’ll admit that it was him that made me read the book – but now, I have to admit that it has to be one of my fave books ever! The fact that Rob is Jacob is just icing on the cake now! Can’t wait to see it!

  48. Water for Elephants is an awesome story and the movie is going to be brilliant! Top notch cast and crew – the enthusiasm for this project is incredible! I can’t imagine an actor better suited to play Jacob – Robert is perfect! This is the role that will define his career, I can feel it!

  49. I already have the book, but would happily donate it to someone who doesn’t have it already because it is FANTASTIC. I especially love it because my grandmother was a “kinker” during the 1930s, although in New England and having all of her pictures and hearing all of her stories it is so great to see it coming to life with this movie!

  50. I really can’t wait until the movie comes out.

  51. I would love to win this, it looks like it’s going to be great movie xx

  52. Would love to win!!!

  53. Can’t wait to read it!

  54. I really hope I get the chance to get a copy ’cause I can’t afford it. Too expensive here. 🙁

  55. Hi. I don’t know if I can attand this competitiom, ’cause I’m from Europe 🙂 But if I can, I’d really like to win this amazing amazing book. Thanks a lot.

  56. Pick me Pick me

  57. Pick me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. I’ve been in love with this book forever. I’ve contemplated stealing it from the library, but haven’t yet. 😉 I’ve read it so many times, and I’m so excited about the stellar cast of the movie! I cannot WAIT!

  59. This movie is going to be awesome! Can’t wait to see this movie…

  60. I can’t wait for the movie to come out. Rob is always this way when he films a movie. That is why he is a good actor.

  61. The beautiful, noble, often-mistreated elephant. Would love to read this book!

  62. I’m loving the pictures that have been released so far, especially the shots of the circus tents and train. I cannot wait for the film, I think the cinematography is going to be fab, and I want to see Rob and Reese on screen together. I can’t comment on the story as I don’t have a copy of the book. 🙁 That is why I need to win a copy of Water for Elephants. Please pick me!!

  63. WFE looks really awesome; can’t wait to see it. Great to see there’s also such great actors in it.

  64. I’m so excited to see this book come to life.

  65. Hey please don’t red light me

  66. Great book, can’t wait to see it on film. Pictures I’ve seen so far are amazing.

  67. Hi! I just want to say ,how much I am looking forward to WFE coming to the big screen. I have read the book and it is amazing. The actors are perfect for their parts. RPattz will be an amazing Jacob, Hall Holbrook is perfect as old Jacob. Then there’s Reese you couldn’t act for a better actrees to play Marlena. I haven’t seen Christoph@ work but I’m sure just by looking at him in his costume, he will be perfect. I love Twilight and would love nothing more to be picked to win this contest! Thank you so much!

  68. Being from Denmark I doubt I’m able to win anything, but one good reason why I should win if I am eligable is, that no contest like this is ever open to anyone but U.S. residents. We always miss out on the cool stuff. And recently I picked up reading again, actually mainly because of Twilight, and I would absolutely love to get my hands on what seems to be an incredible story

  69. Looking forward to seeing this movie!

  70. hopefully i win cuz im in love with this book and Robert pattinson and im so excited for rob playing Jacob!!

  71. This movie looks to be amazing the cast and crew it definitely will be a blockbuster would love to read the book before seeing the movie so winning would be fantastic not to mention I adore Rob in every movie I have seen him in. 🙂 thanks so much. 🙂

  72. Hmmm…this is like LTR/LTT’s contest…I like it! I don’t have to do anything, but say nonsense=) On a VERY important matter: ROB’S HOT IN WFE!…that is all. =)

  73. would love to read the book! the movie pics look awesome!please pick me!

  74. I would love to read the book! I LOVE CHRISTOPH WALTZ

  75. I’ve heard great comments about this book and they made me really want to read it. Sounds like an excellent book to add to my collection!

  76. I LOVED Water for Elephants and I must say I cannot wait for the movie.

    I really hope they do the book justice.

  77. I;ve not read the book yet, but i’d sooo love to win one!! :O

  78. I loved the audio version of the book; can’t wait for the movie!

  79. I haven’t read the book yet. I’d love to win!

  80. looks like this will be another great movie for RPatz & Reese.
    can’t wait, would love a copy of the book. pick me!!!!

  81. So excited for this movie!

  82. I am so anxious to read this book. I have heard nothing but good things about it.

  83. H2O 4 Pachyderms rules!!

  84. Book was great – Rob and Christoph Waltz perfect for their roles. Been watching a bit of the filming – sets, everything looks great! Can’t wait to see it on the big screen!

  85. It was a wonderful book and I look forward to the film adaptation. Christoph and Reese are perfect for the roles. If Robert pulls off Jacob, his acting chops will definitely be proven.

  86. I cannot wait to see this Movie. Rob is just great!! I would love to win!!

  87. I’ve always loved Reese. She’s a great actress. Of course Rob is eye candy but offers to us much more than just his gorgeous face. He’s turned out to be an awesome actor! I really didn’t think I would like his hair cut at first for this movie, but once the pictures started hitting the net, my opinion has greatly changed. I love movies that are made today to portray a setting from the older years, and this one has certainly caught my interest. Not only for the characters, but the animals as well. It will be a hit for sure. I borrowed the book “Water for Elephants” and read it all in one day so I naturally seriously can’t wait for the movie to come out! The book is definitely a keeper and would love to have one for my own and so this is the perfect contest for me to enter! Thanks for having it and crossing my fingers for the win. 🙂

  88. don’t steal the book I found my book online very cheap it was second hand but you can’t tell it I love this story it remind me of my dad he was always telling stories about his life ….

  89. I *so* want to read this book! From what I’ve seen of the pictures of filming, it looks fantastic!

    Nikki T

  90. I would love to win.I haven’t read Water for Elephants yet and I want to.Rob looks so hot in the pic you post of him.

  91. this is going to be a HUGE win. can’t wait to see it!

  92. can’t wait to see this movie. 😀

  93. I’m more excited for this film to come out than Bel Ami.
    i can’t wait to see it! 🙂

  94. loved the book, can’t wait to see the movie.

  95. Rob is doing a great job so far!
    i just can’t wait to see this movie!!!

  96. Omg I would love to win!!!!!

  97. I just started reading this book. The first 40 pages are a great read! Can’t wait to finish the next 295. I’ve already identified with a character or two.

  98. I Admit I read book cause of rob being in movie but after I started to read it I could not put it down I read it in 1 night!!! So excited for this movie!!!

  99. I seriously cannot wait to see Rob, Reese, & the rest of the cast in this movie! <3

  100. OMG I cant wait to see this movie:)..is gonna be A.W.E.S.O.M.E …and everytime i see new pics of the cast on the WFE set i get even more excited to see the movie…wanna read the book first..love Robert Pattinson

  101. Love watching the movie film but trying not to watch too much so I don’t ruin it for myself. I’m really looking forward to it. I think it will be an excellt film. I have high hopes. It is an excellent book!

  102. The book is amazing, and the site photos so far look to be a great adaptation to film. I never thought I’d root for Jacob in a movie with Rob! I can’t wait to see Christoph playing August! Reese and Rob should be great together, 2011 is a long ways away. Winning this would make waiting more bearable… 🙂

  103. love this book! i cant wait to see it! i think its superbly cast!
    please pick me to win the prizes!

  104. I can’t wait for the movie to come out. The book was amazing.

  105. I can’t wait to see the movie. First I need to read the book.

  106. Would love to win!

  107. I am curious when in 2011 the WFE movie is set for release? With the pictures coming back from the set, I am so excited to see it!! The book was great and I would love to own my own copy!

  108. Pick me please! Thank you 🙂

  109. The Kinkers on the WFE film site are doing an awesome job keeping us up to date on Rob’s latest project. I love the site, I love the book, and I love the cast. I know I’m going to love the movie.

  110. Can’t wait to see this movie the book was sooo great!

  111. I love this book and I think the movie is going to be fantastic! Would love to win a copy of WFE! 🙂

  112. This movie is going to be awesome! Looks like the movie is sticking with the book. I would love to have my own copy of the book.

  113. I follow your blog posts as soon as they hit my inbox!!! Thanks for all of your hard work kinkers! This is a great contest…would love to win since I’ve been saying that I NEED to read WFE like yesterday!!! Thanks to Algonquin books too!

  114. Can’t wait to see the movie!

  115. I fell in love with “Water for Elephants” when I read it, and I think the casting of Rob, Reese, and Christoph was brilliant. I have a very strong feeling that this is going to be a break-out role for Rob, which will catapult him to even more acclaim and popularity! I CANNOT WAIT to see this movie!

    I would love to win a book, or any prize.


  116. I can’t wait to see this movie. From I’ve seen of the set pictures it looks amazing. Casting is amazing and the look and feel if the movie are coming across great. 🙂

  117. I read the book back in March with Rob playing Jacob and so far my visualization is being materialized right before my eyes. It’s going to be a great adaption and I would love to own my very own copy!

  118. I read the book quite a while ago, and have read it again in the last month. Rob is so right for this part, and I can already tell this movie will be amazing!!!!

  119. Love the story, the era. I can’t wait for the movie!

  120. Ooh! Ooh! Over here! I need a WFE Book! I have been TRYING to get my sister to get it ’cause she loves to read and it is ALL her fault that I am obsessed with Twilight/RPattz ANYWAY!! I avoided it like the plague for over a year, but, although I am late for the party… I am MAKIN’ UP FOR LOST TIME, BABY! So, now it is MY turn to ‘turn her on’ to the awesomeness that IS “Water For Elephants” and the exquisite Mr. Robowski …..

  121. I read this book as soon as it came out and have been recommending it to others ever since. I live near Sarasota, Florida where Ringling’s home and circus museum are. Therefore, we have a lot of circus history here and old buildings, artwork, etc. that remind us of those days gone by. Looking forward to the movie….we all are! 🙂

  122. I can’t wait until the movie. The book was so good, and I can’t wait for it to be brought to life! YAY!

  123. Haven’t read the book but I’m dying to. With 2 kids at home its a little hard to get to the book store. I Love all that is RPATTZ!

  124. I would love to win a copy of the WFE book! It would be fantastic summer reading! =) Rob is filming WFE the movie just miles away from my hometown! Friends of my have already caught a glimpse of Rob on set! Can’t wait for the movie and to read the book!

  125. Thank you for this chance! I am on the wait list for the book at the library. I am a Twihard and a Rob fan so it would be exciting to win 🙂 Thanks again! Hugs and puppy wags from my poodle!

  126. I cannot wait to see two of my favorite actors together in this film (Rob and Reese of course). I would love to win the book! The set looks awesome, but nothing can top the beauty of Mr. Pattinson…the dirt is very becoming!!!

  127. I have been holding out (unsuccessfully) on looking at all the pics and media for WFE- I can’t wait this is going to be an AH-some movie C’mon Rob and Reese? Ohhh I want Eclipse but I also want WFE! Ahh this whole one day at a time and 365 days in a year but is killing ME!

  128. Who can resist any book associated with Robert Pattinson? No one in this planet, I’d say. If you could spare three books, could you please throw one this way……thank you…

  129. Count me in! and thanks

  130. I have yet to read this novel but from all that I have heard, it is a must read.
    Fingers crossed, handling a bunnys foot hopping to bring myself some luck.


  131. I would love to win!! Great pics!

  132. Pick me….Pick me. Would love to win a good book to read and of course anything that involves Twilight.

  133. I would love a copy of WFE! I am feverously trying to finish the book I am reading now and would love that be my next read! I am so loving the pictures and can’t wait for the movie!

  134. I am so excited for this movie and the rest of the Twilight
    movies to come out. I has read this book and would love
    to own it. Team Edward all the way!!! I look at
    the Water For Elephants website everyday twice a day.
    Like I said I can’t wait!!!

  135. I am VERY excited for this movie, love all the pics of all the stars, especially Rob Pattz, he is such a great actor and a beautiful man! AND I would LOVE a new copy of the book since my OLD copy was destroyed by my daughters 2 mini dachshunds 🙁 Go Team Edward!!!

  136. I bought this book and finished it in just a little over a week!! I absolutely loved it and the more photos from the set that get released the more excited I get for this movie! Although, I am a HUGE RPatz fan this story was so amazing and I can’t wait to see it come to life on the big screen. I think Rob, Reese, Chris and the rest of the cast are just the people to do it!!

  137. I borrowed the book from our library and it´s really difficuld to find the book in sweden!
    After I read it I am soooo looking forward to see the film, Rob is such a great Jacob!

    I have a blog in sweden were I post pics, updates, and books about Twilight, Rob & co. I also think that all these new films make young and old to start reading – great!
    Love from Sweden!

  138. I read this book during my studies in English Department… and I love it, but the idea of seeing Reeese, Robert and Chris… priceless… Can’t wait to 2011:)

  139. I love elephants, I can’t live without water… and I adore Robert, so it is just perfect!

  140. I love the book Water for Elephants and am so excited for the movie. I keep talking about the book and I only have one copy and my friends can’t seem to check out the book from the library. I would give the books to friends so they can pass it along and so on. I am excited to see Rob in a different role and working with animals. I just adore Rosie and elephants in general. I am really geeked for Eclipse too. 🙂

  141. I have just started reading Water for Elephants and am loving it so far. Im a huge Rob fan and think he is a fantastically talented actor and Love every film he is in. I am so excited and cant wait for WFE to be released and the pictures look amazing Rob looks so HOT as usual. Hope I win this as I really really really can not wait!!!! I am a huge Twilight fan also cant wait for Eclipse only 20 more sleeps till im watching it!!!! Rob is amazing!!!
    Luv vicky xx

  142. oh my god cant wait for this movie and i really really want the book

  143. I’m really excited about this movie and I can’t wait to finally see it! Meanwhile we have the set pics and the book to help us through. 🙂 This movie is going to be amazing!!

  144. All the pics from the film have been amazing and all the actors especially Rob!! It’s a great story with great actors playing them and loads of talent behind the scenes, I hope this is going up for many Oacars!! I’ve read the book but but many have no been able to fine it so the book give away is awsome way to help! Keep up the good time by supplying us with great pics!! More Rob….

  145. I love Rob, can’t wait for WFE

  146. The photos from the set have me so excited for this movie! Can’t wait to see Rob, Reese, Christoph, and the rest of the cast bring this book to life. I think the movie is going to be amazing!

  147. The movie is going to be brilliant!! Just from the pictures I’ve seen- the colors, scenery, costumes, and casting Rob, Reese, Hal and Christph are going to do this book justice. Can’t wait to see the story brought to life on the big screen. I’ve read the script, all the blogs- as many as I can find and then some. I read the book in a week-end – and what a wonderful story to be told.!! I’ve since been lending out my book 🙁 ….sure would like to read it again…and again. :0…..I’m just like that!!

  148. I am so excited to see the Water for Elephants movie! The book was an amazing read and I am so looking forward to seeing it brought to the life on the big screen. The casting for the movie has been perfect and I am a big fan of RPatz as well as twilight. I wish I lived closer so I could go see the movie set as they are filiming. But Ontario, Canada is a long piece away. Thanks to everyone who has been posting the pics and to the Water for Elephants Kinkers for maintaining such a wonderful site. It brings the set to those of us who can’t be there. Bravo!!!!!

  149. The coverage from the WFE set has been amazing and, I look forward everyday to opening my web browser and discovering what new treats and images have been posted.

    I have watched Rob Pattinson with a keen interest in his career since first seeing him in Harry Potter, after which I tried to get DVD’s of anything his has been in as well as any music of his that may have been recorded and found on the internet. The man is truly multi talented and I believe there will be an Oscar in his future.

    The fact that to date he chooses roles based on how the characters speak to him and that many are pulled from beautiful pieces of 19th, 20th and 21st century literature some that are well known and others that are not, shows his commitment to quality and not potential box office returns.

    He seems very dedicated to honing his craft to satisfy not only the fans but his own high standards, and yet amazingly appears to be unchanged in his view of who he is, what he wants, and how he at least would like to conduct his life.

    Water for Elephants is an amazing book full of pathos, and poignant love in the inspirational setting of a circus, which could be looked at as a sad commentary on life in general at the time and yet is still relevant today.

  150. The book is very good, once you start you can not stop reading. The photos come from the set are amazing, Rob is perfect in the role of Jacob. His beautiful smile, her sweetness and simplicity are creating a character that I never thought to see on the big screen.

  151. This movie looks like it’s going to be very good. I’m happy to see Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon working together again. I was very disappointed when they cut their scene together in Vanity Fair. I’ve never read the book, Water For Elephants but it’s definitely something I will have to pick up next time I’m in a bookstore.

  152. I want this book so bad!!!

  153. i hope i win

  154. pick me!!!

  155. this book sounds really good

  156. The photos of Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson and Christoph Waltz looking very good – Water For Elephants should by a good film.

  157. I read the book and loved it!! One of the best books I have read this year! I checked it out of a public library here in Savannah,GA. I wanted to read it again but I had to take it back because there was a waiting list (VERY LONG WAITING LIST)! I would LOVE to win this book so I could read it over and over and pass it on to friends and family!! They picked the right actor to play Jacob because He is so good looking!! I also like Rob because he likes to read!! I am a teacher and love when young people still read after high school!!

  158. I want to read this book so bad. Please pick me! Thank you!

  159. Having read the book well over a year ago, I began to imagine who would play these parts in my mind. When I heard of the casting choices I could not be more thrilled. From Robert, to Reese, to Christopher, I think it’s perfect. I would love to have my own copy of this book to add to my home library. So looking forward to the release.

  160. love this book so much and i’m so glad that they are making it into a movie featuring our favorite rob! it looks like he’s doing an amazing job can’t wait for the movie

  161. I haven’t read the book. I love Robert Pattinson and this movie looks amazing. Can’t wait!

  162. Didn’t think I’d enjoy reading a book about the circus….although I went to several as a child. Sarah wrote so beautifully, and with such dramatic detail that I just couldn’t ignore my curiosity! Well done! Oh, and love, love, love the dedication with the photos on location for the film! Bravo!

  163. Read the book when it first came out and loved it. Water for Elephants is my all time most favorite book. I love the story line. I was thrilled when I found out Robert Patinson is playing Jacob, and I’m thorougly enjoying watching the book come to life in a movie. I’m anxiously awaiting its release!


  164. So much fun to watch them bring one of my favorite books to life on the screen. Can’t wait to see it.

  165. I LOVED WFE but since I borrowed it from a friend, I would love my own copy!!!! That way I can get Robowski to sign it! I definitely agree with the casting choices, they all look amazing! I’m a big fan of Reese and Rob and I think they will be great together! If you haven’t read WFE, you must…it’s a wonderful story full of love, passion, sadness and happiness!

  166. When I first heard that Robert, Reese & Christopher (who is an amazing actor) were cast in this movie, I went straight to the library to get the book. It was out & my name has been on the waiting list since. Rob seems the perfect choice to play Jacob J. since he seems to be such a kind soul himself I can only imagine the depth of feelings that he will bring to this character. Thank you for having this contest & I wish us all luck. Even if I’m not selected a winner, I still win – seeing Rob playing a role like this is a Beautiful thing!

  167. I will definitely “step right up” the second WFE is released! The story is awesome, the movie has been divinely cast, the sets look fabulous. We are in for such a treat! THIS circus will be the greatest show on earth for me!

  168. I had to go buy the book……I’ve read it over and over. the story is awesome and I can’t wait for the movie!

  169. I just finished the audio book…amazing! I would love to have the hardcover book. Can’t wait for the movie!

  170. I really want this book…. I live in Indonesia and no bookstore here sell the book. It’s sooo hard to get this book here. I have read the synopsis from wikepedia, and this sounds like a very good book. It will be greater if I can read the whole book.

  171. I’m very excited for this movie! The book was great and the cast is gorgeous! I’m telling all my friends to read it before the movie comes out so we can all go see it together!

  172. i got the book from the library, and would love to have one of my own. books are like friends to me. i believe the movie is going to be one of the best. i’m to old to win the twilight stuff and book but am a huge fan, and just wanted to go on the record. thanks

  173. I love this book, definately in my top 5 ever read! Would love to have my own copy, so I can pass along to friends! Love Rob P as Jakob!

  174. Hi.
    I read the bbok and fell in love with Jacob.
    He is such a sweet and wonderful character.
    No sides, just sweet.
    He reminds me of my Dad who is a care home resident, but unlike Jacob’s family, we visit every day.
    Just wonderful.
    I am so looking forward to seeing how this will come onto screen and can see ALL the characters now I know who is playing them. Classic cast.

  175. Just knowing the cast of this movie makes me wanna go see it! I watch for postings on facebook everyday to see whats going on with movie and to chekc out the new pics of everything going on. Reeeeally would love to win a book of my own because I haven’t had the chance to read it yet and this site has definitely go me interested!

  176. Just finished the book. Enjoyed it very much! Now I am greatly anticipating the movie. Can’t think of a better fit for Jacob than Robert Pattinson.

  177. i love the book! rob pattinson is perfect for the role!

  178. I read the book – very good! I look forward to the movie – I think Robert is perfect for the part. Look forward to seeing his scenes with Rosie.

  179. When I heard that Rob and Reese were playing these roles I knew the perfect actors had been chosen. Rob and Reese both have that look of innocence about themselves that I felt both of these characters had. Can’t wait to see the movie, I will be at the midnight showing when it is released!

  180. I love this book and can’t think of anyone better to play Jacob.

  181. I have read this book twice and was thrilled when Rob was cast as Jacob and thought ‘OMG’ he IS Jacob this part was made for him he fits the character so well, his youth, good looks, winning smile and personality what woman or ‘elephant’ would’nt or could’nt love him?
    He obviously loves making this film because he is absolutely beaming in every picture that i have seen of him – well done to all involved you have hit on a winning formula here with all the main actors and no doubt all the animals too as everyone at any age loves the circus – i can’t wait for it to hit the big screen. Thank You

  182. It’s amazing to see Robert outside of the Twilight madness. He is very talented and it will finally come out with this movie. The book was very moving and quite sad. I have no doubt Robert will play the character of Jacob right to the ‘t’!!
    Keep up the great job Robert!

  183. i love these set pictures. im a huge of Reese, Rob, and Christoph. i would love the book because i unfortunately have never read it before and would love to! this is a great opportunity!

  184. I love this book so very much and I would really love to win these copies so I can share the love with my friends and family! I love Rob and he is so perfect for this role and every one looks so wonderful everyday of filming! I can’t wait until next year!!!!!!!

  185. Yey, I read the book yesterday and I´m more then excited to see the movie! The book is really great one and Jacob is such a great character and with Robert in it, OMG <3 it will be awesome and Christoph Waltz and Reese are so well for their characters as well !! I just love it!! Greats from czech rep. 🙂

  186. Oh my oh my! I just finished this book and let me tell you I was so blown away by it! The entire time I was reading I invisioned Robert in the part and lets say I could see it really see it. I believe if this movie is done right that this could really do some important things for him, one it could show everyone just how talented he is and how he is not just a vampire (which I loved him as by the way), and second I think this could really be a award part. I am so excited to see this movie…… I can’t wait

  187. It would be nice to win something I’m not usually lucky 🙂

    I can’t wait to see this from the pictures coming out daily it looks like Reese and Robert have good chemistry 🙂

  188. I love this book and rob patz

  189. I cannot wait for this movie! I check websites daily for updated information on the filming and any photos of the cast. Rob, Reese, Mark and Chris seem perfect for the roles. I read the book quickly the first time because I could not wait to see what happened – could not put it down. Then I re-read a second and third time and picked up on a lot of details that I missed. I love the story, love the characters and if I win, I will share my copy of the book with someone else! Pick me!

  190. A lovely, page-turning book rich in depression-era mood and detail, hopefully lending itself to a film heavier on character than art direction and CG from Director Francis Lawrence. The casting of Reese Witherspoon and Christolph Waltz in their respective roles is nearly too perfect, and Rob Pattinson will likely stretch his acting skills as well as his fan base as our protagonist hero. This film should pop off the screen with ease but it’s my hope that it will stay in our hearts long after our current depression-era ends.

  191. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book! I have recommended it to everyone I know! Historical fiction at its best!! Can’t wait to see it on the big screen!

  192. I believe that they are doing a very good work and all the actors enchant to me, especially ROB… thanks for the opportunity! Can’t wait to see it on the big screen… really!!! Greetings!

  193. Love the book and can’t wait until the movie. Sadly, I only got to read it once because my local library doesn’t have it so I’d pick it up and read it while grocery shopping at WalMart and put it back before I left. I really think Rob, Reese, and Christoph will do this book justice! 🙂

  194. Oooh, exciting!
    I haven’t read WFE yet, but I’d really love to! (hint.)

  195. I am a huge Rob Pattinson fan. I am working on seeing every movie that he has been in. I have been to the midnight premieres of Twilight Saga: New Moon, Remember Me and I have my ticket for the premiere of Twilight Saga:Eclipse. I can’t wait to get a chance to see Water for Elephants. I have never won anything so I hope I win.

  196. Great book! Really looking forward to the movie. :o)

  197. I would love to win three WFE books cuz: 1). My mom refuses to read or see anything TWILIGHT but loved WFE!! So maybe seeing this movie will “change her” into a TWIHARD. 2). My BFF and I are just a tad HUGE Rob fans and will see and love anything he is in… So want to read the book before we see te movie. 3) we would be THRILLED to have the TWILIGHT stuff !!! 4) it would be a GREAT 50th birthday present!!

    Will Rob sign the books!?!?! Or at least touch them or sleep with them or read the book ( he said he hasn’t read WFE). Rob can read from my WFE book!!! PLEASE

  198. I can’t wait to see the movie!
    I’m pretty sure RPattz can win an Oscar with this film 😀
    Hopefully I win this contest 😀

  199. I would like to read the book since i’ve heard so many about the film.
    i hope they are both interesting! Of course i hope i win!

  200. I forgot to ask, is there any chance for translated books?? If not, no problem!

  201. I have just begun reading WFE. So far I am really enjoying it. The story thus far is like nothing I have ever read before.

    Also, who ever did the casting for the movie did an excellent job! I can’t wait to see the film next year.

  202. I too just started WFE and I’m only like 4 chapters in and I love it already. It’s so much more enjoyable knowing who’s been cast as who so I already have a picture of the characters in my mind. I can’t wait to see the movie, and all the set shots I’ve seen are amazing, makes me even more excited!

  203. I am very excited to see this film. I have just recently begun reading the story and I am already falling in love it. The scene shots looks fabulous and the casting… WOW!

  204. Anything with Robert Pattinson will be a huge success!!! He puts a lot of hard work and effort into eveything he does. Eagerly awaiting, Eclipse, the Breaking Dawn movies, and other projects, including WFE! It’s a long wait until WFE comes out in 2011. The pictures/info have been phenomenal!!! Very excited!!! :):):)

  205. As a former Clown working a few shows in the Circus it good to be able to see a movie like this made. The best to all on the set. I sure miss the circus.

  206. You said it! “Who doesn’t LOVE RPattz”!!! Pick me!!

  207. I REALLY WANT TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was such an amazing book, and my room mate stole the copy of my book

  208. I think it’s so awesome that we get to see the progress of the movie as it’s being filmed! That for me is a prize itself. Getting a copy of the book would be the icing on the cake! I look forward to the future posts/seeing the progress of Water for Elephants the film.

  209. I am so excited! Water for Elephants is awesome! I think everyone should read it!
    And i’m so happy Robert Pattinson got the part of Jacob Jankowski. I’ve had a crush
    on Jacob’s character forever, and I was really excited when I heard he got the part! 🙂

    – Read Sara Gruen’s other books, Riding Lessons and Flying Changes. They are pretty awesome, too 😀

  210. I loved reading WFE it is a very genuine story. I believe that Rob will be the perfect Jacob. I am sure that he will not disappoint the fans of this book. It’s so exciting to see the pictures of the cast when they are on set. Seeing the book come to life is Awesome!

  211. i would love to win it .I borrowed it from the library 3 times now and passed it on to 3 friends who loved it as well,( Two were males)and they cannot wait for this movie , neither are RP fans (yet).
    If i owned a copy the book will be passed along to many more friends and i can also delve into it again and again. Buggar it i might just go and buy myself a copy anyhow.

  212. I had to go to the libary to find it fixed income couldn’t get my own copy. So I barrowed it five times and now that the pics are coming out of the movie I need to go back and get it again so I can compare with the book. I have a good memory but if I can read and look at the pictures I can almost see the movie. I would like to win a copy of my own I would read it over and over


  213. waterforelephantsfilm.com – thanks for all of the Robowski pictures! You guys do a great job! Keep it up!

  214. Water for E is a good story about a young man that runs away from the loss of his family only to fine that there are worse environments to experience. But some how he finds a life partner and saves her from her worst life. A twisted story, sure to be a good movie.

  215. I can’t wait for It to come out. I haven’t read the book yet though.

  216. I am so excited to see this movie! Just started the book, so far Great!!

  217. The novel, Water for Elephants, had all the dynamics that I love. I am happy and excited to see the outcome on the big screen with all the talented actors. Love looking at all the pics posted also, so thank you for that.

  218. I knew that Robert and and young futuristic talent, he has to sell, Christoph Waltz, however, a great revelation , no hidden perk the oportunit it to the comissary REX, INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS, there ‘release from this movie and transform this book, nos I look forward to scone. Anyway will be ‘a success…………….

  219. I love Rob and everything he does! I know it will be a huge success!!! Hope I win as well!!! xoxoxo

  220. This is a beautiful book. The dots fr the film
    look amazing. Can’t wait for the release.

  221. I’ve read this book and I am so excited to see it on the big screen. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. 🙂

  222. I’m hoping to start reading the book soon and can’t wait to see how the film turns out. I’ve seen almost all of Robert Pattinson’s movies (with the exception of one) and I’m a major fan!

  223. I have just started reading it as well and i am really enjoying it so far.

  224. I absolutely adored this book and can’t wait to see it come to life on the big screen. The pictures from filming I’ve seen so far look amazing and very much like what I saw in my imagination while I was reading.

  225. I absolutely LOVED this book and would love to be able to share it with others, cause I don’t want to hand out my one and only copy.

  226. Really loved this book 🙂 I actually just did a school project for it but only got the book from the Library 🙁 Can’t wait to see the movie!

  227. I love Rob and everything related to him. I wish him all the best for his career. He has the potential to play any and every charcater and he does that pretty well. I love you Rob 🙂 and best of luck 🙂

  228. Are you sure I can’t win Robowski? I so loved this book. The movie is going to be fantastic!

  229. I decided to read WFE after hearing it would be made into a movie and I LOVE THAT BOOK! wow. I was so into it that when I finished it I was sad. EVERYONE SHOULD READ IT 🙂 The cast for the movie is amazing I love them all 🙂

  230. I really really liked the book and I can’t wait till the movie makes its debut. I’m a big twilight fan too!!!

  231. Need WFE immediately!!!!

  232. Wow this book blew me away! I would love to have my own copy so I could share the wonderfulness! I cannot wait to see it on the big screen with the lovely cast!

  233. Just about finished reading the Twilight series (read all four in less than 4 weeks) – about 200 pp to go in Breaking Dawn – and have become an instant fan of RPatz, so I am very interested in reading anything he’s working on. Since I had my kids, I haven’t been able to read as much as I like, so I forced myself to find time to read all four Twilight books and love reading again! I will definitely read Water for Elephants and look forward to seeing the movie next year. Pick me! 🙂 Lora S. (Plaistow, NH)

  234. Would really like to own my own copy so I can go to the circus anytime!! Long waiting list at the library…

  235. I can’t wait to see this movie! Just by the pictures, it looks like it will be awesome!! I haven’t read the book yet though.

  236. I’m beyond excited for this film! <3

  237. I’m looking forward to see the movie, and I haven’t read the book yet!!! the pictures are awesome, really great, looking forward to see many many more 🙂

  238. I’ve been looking for the book but can’t find it anywhere. My book club doesn’t have it either and I’d really like to win a copy. The things that I’ve read and seen about this movie seems awesome and I really want to read the book. The set soldiers are doing a really great job!! Keep it up!!

  239. Awwww choose me choose me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  240. I borrowed the book from the library and LOVED it! Cant’ wait for the movie!!

  241. I read WFE even before I knew Robert was going to be in it…and believe me, I cast him right away for the role of Jacob…and what a surprise when he was chosen!!!!. Of course, no surprise there: I had already chosen him for Jarred in The Host; for Marco Polo in The Journeyer and whatever movie might come along calling for a devil/angel-ravishing-looking, super nice guy on it; and the photos of the making of the movie: Robert, the kinkers, the choo choo, Rosie…ohhh boy, they could not be more true to the story.
    The story was beautiful, different (had read very little about the circus life), so touching, with all those longing feelings of old Jacob.
    Being an animal lover, I was suffering as Jacob was, about Rossie, the cats, Queeny, the chimps and orangs; but on top of everything, I was heartbroken with the beautiful love story between those two souls that found each other among such terrible and sad conditions, and during a time when the cost of humane and human life and feelings were so cheap…and at the end, WHAT A WONDERFUL ENDING!!! I cannot wait a minute longer for the movie!!!

  242. Really looking forward to reading this book! I am really looking forward to seeing Robert and Reese play love interests in this film too!

  243. I borrowed the book from a friend. after start reading i could’t stop. it’s such an awesome book. i really like to win and have my own copy.

  244. WFE is one of those very rare books that our entire book club agreed was a beautiful, magical tale. I literally cannot wait to see it come to life on the big screen. And the casting director(s) nailed it… Christophe as August? Chills! Reese as Marlena? Of course! Hal Holbrook? Perfection! And Robert is becoming one of my favorite young actor along the lines of Ryan Gosling (Half Nelson, Lars and the Real Girl, etc). Really excited to see his portrayal of Jacob.

  245. I just started reading, i loooooove it so far!

  246. i just started reading, i loooove it so far!

  247. Every day I can’t wait to read about the filming of WFE and see the photos posted! I read the book several months ago and it really is coming to life! I am a HUGE Robowski fan and think you ladies have a DREAM job!

  248. i can’t wait for this film! this movie is going to be so amazing.

  249. This was without a doubt, the most wonderful book I have read in a long time. When a gentleman at the book store tried to describe it, he said he would not be able to do it justice, but it was about a man who joins the circus. Well, no, you can’t describe this book. But when I finished reading it, I only wanted more. I had so hoped a movie could be made of this book and I am more that just a little thrilled to see that Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, and Christoph Waltz will be the stars. This will be an Oscar Movie not to miss. I love the book and can’t wait to love the movie, so pick me. Please.

  250. I must admit, I procrastinated in reading this book a friend had given me. So when I finally picked it up, I was like WOW I love this story! Then low and behold, it’s gonna be a film, and with my favorite Vampire Sweetie and the wonderful Reece Witherspoon as Marlena – even better! Thank you for the great read Sara Gruen!!!!!

  251. I LOVE this book. It’s a well-written and fascinating story, with many unforgettable characters. Unfortunately, with funds being so low, I had to borrow it–and return it–to the library. Alas!

  252. I have only gotten to read the book available on Amazon.com due to the fact my work schedule is so hectic, $$ are very tight and I haven’t had an opportunity to see if my small library can order it. Amazon is great to offer a sneek peak, but they skip multiple pages so it really was just a tease. What I did read made me want more. If I am lucky enough to win a copy, I will read it and definitely pass it on for my little book group, as I did all of the Twilight books.

  253. I am trying to find out if filming has finished. If filming only started on May 20, that would be a pretty quick shoot, wouldn’t it? Or, are they giving RPattz time off to publicize Eclipse and they’ll resume filming in July or something. This is an intense story with a lot of action and I can’t believe they could film it in less than a month. Please, will someone enlighten me. I just discovered this site and I, too, believe that RPattz is going to blow us away long after Twilight is just a memory (although I am Team Edward all the way).

  254. I recently read “Water for Elephants” and was blown away by what a beautiful story it is. It is easily one of the best books I have ever read. I read it via e-book so it would be awesome if I could win a hardcopy of the book for the inevitable re-read!

    I am a huge fan of Robert Pattinson’s and the entire Twilight saga. I have been eyeing the “Water for Elephants for about a year now and I am so glad that I heard about Robert Pattinson being in the movie and finally decided to pick it up and give it a read. I have been recommending it to all of my friends ever since I finished it, because it is just one of those stories you cannot help but be touched by.

  255. Sarah Gruen is an amazing author– the first two novels of hers that I read were “Flying Changes” and “Riding Lessons.” As incredible as they are, “Water for Elephants” blew me away. Rob Pattinson will do an amazing job in this film. Cannot wait for its release.

  256. The book caught my attention because of the circus and the era where it takes place. My parents were children during the depression and they both spoke lovingly of the circus and what it meant to them.

    My father said that there was very little entertainment in those days, radio was very new and movies were mainly geared toward adults. But kids had the circus to look forward to. His sisters liked to tell the tale of my father coming home after seeing the circus doing acrobatics and once, even rode two horses one foot on each while standing up. He told me that he secretly wanted to join the circus.
    My mother came from a poor family and she was one of those that tried to peek under the canvas, trying to catch a glimpse of the menagerie.

    I loved the story and I love it even more now after seeing who has been cast to play the roles. I for one cannot wait until this film comes out. Everything about the era looks to be authentic. For me it will be like watching the circus through my parents eyes. Wish there were more books like this one!

  257. This book is amazing! I shared it with many of my friends. If the movie is anything like the book, I will have to take a full box of Kleenex with me to the theater.

  258. I am so excited to see this wonderful book come to the big screen, and to have both Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon bring it to life is even better. It’s fun to follow the photos that come out each day and remember the scenes from the book. So far it looks like they are following it quite closely, which is good because it’s a wonderful story about the circus (I learned a lot) and a great love story. Can’t wait to see it on the big screen. I think I’ll go reread it again…

  259. I AM so excited for this movie! I’m also dying to read the book. I think Rob is going to do an amazing job and prove to the naysayers that he’s ready for other roles besides Twilight!

  260. I am soo excited for this AMAZING book to come to the big screen 😀 😀
    and thank you for the opportunity of this amazing give away 😀
    i am soo happy that the movie will have rpattz and witherspoon bringing it to life 😀 x 2 AMAZING actors!! :D:D x

  261. I loved this book and am so excited about the movie. I respect the actors chosen for this movie

  262. I’m very excited for this movie. The casting is amazing and all the detailed production we’ve seen in pictures makes me think it’ll be a great adaptation from the book.

  263. Was at my parents’ during vacations and found the book. didn’t know my father got it ! of course, he didn’t buy it because of Rob lol so, i thought it was my chance to read it 😉 maybe that sounds quite ridiculous to read a book because an actor is doing a movie but i don’t care. without this filming, i would never have seen it in my father library. and i’m glad i read it ! it was a great, emotional book. Love the way it is written. can’t wait to see what come up with the movie.

  264. I love Rob and WFE!!!

  265. I would love to read this book and of course, see the movie. I will see it when it comes out. Hopefully, I can read the book before then, even though the books are always better than the movies. Can’t wait.

  266. I’m in the middle of reading this book and I’m really enjoying it. Gotta admit i was drawn to it because Rob is in the movie. I have a huge crush on that man. Can not wait for the movie to come out!!!

  267. Very intriqued as to how Robert Patterson will do with this one….the story sounds very interesting…looking forward to it. 🙂

  268. I haven’t had the opportunity to read WFE yet but I’ve heard it’s a wonderful book and I am really looking forward to getting to read it. I’ve enjoyed seeing all the pictures from filming since I’m such a huge Robert Pattinson fan. I can’t wait for the movie!

  269. Cant wait to see this one!

  270. Looking forward to this movie. Will definitely be reading the book.

  271. I can’t wait to see the movie. The story intrigues me. I am also anxious to see how this cast works together. I have not read the book yet. I hope to.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  272. I just finished the book and it was beautiful. I cried at the ending. I didn’t think I was going to really enjoy the book, however, it was so good. About half way through I couldn’t put it down. Can’t wait to see it on the big screen! The casting I think was right on.

  273. I haven’t had the chance to read the book yet, but from what I hear, it’s amazing. The movie should be amazing as well!! Especially with Rob in it~ <3
    Thanks for a great contest!!

  274. I LOVED this book. Amazing story with beautiful characters. As soon as I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. All my friends are taking turns reading it now. Can’t wait for the movie!

  275. The book was outstanding. Read a library copy. It would be wonderful to own it. I’m feeling lucky!

  276. Beautiful story. Can’t wait to see the movie. Rob Pattinson was the right decision for Jacob.

  277. I haven’t read the book yet. But it looks like it’s a good book, and it’s going to be a good movie too. I would definetly go watch it to the movies when it comes out and read the book. 🙂

  278. I am reading the book now and it’s awesome! I am about 2/3rds through it and it’s fantastic. It’s a great read! I have seen of the images from the film set and I can somewhat guess what scene it is…can’t wait to see the movie!

  279. The long wait for this film to premiere is going to be more grueling than a late term pregnancy (with twins!) in the dog days of summer with sciatica and swollen feet and an ob/gyn who is out of town on vacation and your stuck with the nurse midwife who doesn’t believe in unnatural pain remedies (aka- epideural!!) … ok, well.. maybe not THAT bad. But it’s NOT GONNA BE FUN!!

  280. I’ve read WFE twice now, which is unusual for me. It continues to be a wonderful story!

  281. I already own the book, but wouldn’t mind getting more Rob-related items 🙂 I am really looking forward to seeing this movie, and all of Rob’s future projects. He’s super talented, super hot, and most importantly, a beautiful down-to-earth person. Also looking forward to excellent performances by Christoph Waltz and Reese Witherspoon. Hearing Oscar buzz, and I know this cast can deliver!

  282. I cant wait to see what these amazing actors bring to these characters! Would love a chance to own the book..I live in a very small town and cant seem to find it anywhere to buy.

  283. Naturally I’m delighted that Rob is making yet another movie. I’d pay to just watch him sit reading his script of ‘Water for Elephants’!

    I would love to read the book especially as I now have visuals for the characters. I’ve been an advocate for the Twilight Saga books and Bel Ami, I’d like to add Water For Elephants to that list too.

    Thanks for teasing us all with your competition. *grinning*

  284. Could Not have made better choices for the stars of this movie! Really looking forward to it’s release next year. I can’t find the book when I shop-it’s always sold out! CAN YOU HELP ME!?! Thanks

  285. Wow, I love Robert Pattinson and I love Reese Witherspoon! It’s like the perfect cast! Can’t wait to see this movie…haven’t read the books yet, but I want to. Can’t wait! 🙂

  286. Read the book from the library but I need to own it. Such a great book!

  287. This was an amazing book and Robert Pattinson will make a wonderful Jacub and Reese and Christof seem to fit their roles also. I can’t wait for the Movie. Please pick me!!

  288. I am excited to read this book. My son called me last night to tell me that he is an extra in it and that it looks to be a good movie. He said that if I haven’t read it to find a copy so that I can stay up with what is happening on set when he calls.

  289. I absolutely loved reading the book. I’m very excited to see the movie. Rob is an excellent actor. They couldn’t have found a better person to play Jacob!!

  290. Seems very interesting and yeah, who doesn’t <3 Rob?!!! Lol. Can't wait!!!

  291. I actually prefer to watch the movie and then read the book…. I find it less of a disappointment that way around and more interesting! I LOVE ROB and would really like to see this 🙂 Please pick me x

  292. I would love to have a copy of this book! Thank you for the contest! 🙂

  293. I love robert pattinson! i m his fan!

  294. Water For Elephants was a fantastc book – once I started, I couldn’t put it down. I can’t wait to see how ths film comes to life with an incredible cast of actors, a pachyderm and hay burners 😀

  295. Would like to read the book before the movie comes out – I’ve not had a chance yet (plus I don’t own a copy!)

  296. I really really wanna read this book. I love reading the books before movies come out!!!

  297. I really want to read the book, the story seems SO interesting! I haven’t had a chance yet, but I definitely want to read it before the movie comes out! 🙂

  298. When I heard Robert Pattinson was going to be in another movie I was so excited. I started looking for set pictures, etc. While going on several websites I heard that the movie was based on the book by the same name. I was immediately intrigued because I have read wonderful reviews of the book and it is on many peoples reading lists. I purchased the book the other day and I cannot put it down. It is wonderfully written and very desciptive. I feel like I am there with Jacob on his journey. Its starts of with a very sad event and you are immediately emotionally attached to the character Jacob. I am so glad that Robert Pattinson is doing this movie otherwise I might have missed out on this wonderful book. It is a must read.

  299. Robward Jankowski, you complete me.

  300. This is going to be an epic movie! with the talent behind it..I cant wait to see it on the big screen. As for the book, I have yet to have a chance to read it b/c I cant find it anywhere! would love a chance to win it! thanks 🙂

  301. Can’t wait to see the movie, I loved the book. The story takes place during one of my favorite time periods. thanks o much for having this contest!

  302. Water for Elephants is on my top reads of all times. I have recommended it to many and everyone loves it! I hope the ending of the movie is as hearwarming as the end of the book. Can’t wait for the movie!

  303. Can’t wait to see the movie… book was great!

  304. Great book!! Everyone asks for this one!!! Yeah a movie!!!!

  305. I am delighted that Sara Gruen’s wonderful book is being made into a movie. Everyone in my book club loved the book. It is one of our all-time favorites.
    Now TWILIGHT fans will venture outside of the favorite genre since Pattison is playing Jankowski. What an interesting combination of him and Reese Witherspoon. But who will play the elephant’s part??!!

  306. I loved listening to the recording of this book because it used an older man’s voice for the contemporary story and a younger man’s voice to depict the flashbacks. I am truly looking forward to the movie!

  307. My two loves (Robert and Christoph) in a movie together! love it! I would also love to read the book!

  308. Can’t wait to see the movie..the book was great. Let’s hope it stays true to the book.

  309. I enjoyed this book very much – glad I read it before the movie came out. Now I can bug my husband to take me to a movie. Hope they can match the “movie” that was playing in my head while I was reading it. The book helped reinforce my fascination with relationships between humans and animals. Thanks for a great book!! P.S. I loved all the Twilight books as well. My guilty pleasure 🙂

  310. Loved the book and can’t wait to see the movie!!

  311. I can’t wait for this movie to come out. Once again Rob has chosen well. I have listened to the story and Rob is the perfect choice to play Jacob. To be able to read the book and picture Rob as him as I read it would be awesome.

  312. I absolutely LOVED this book! I hope that I won’t be disappointed in the movie but hey Looking at Rob for two hours won’t be too disappointing anyway! It is a great story with an ending that makes you want to yell Yippee!!!

  313. He’s a gorgeous man with such a nice soul…I love Rob! <3

  314. This is going to be a stunning movie, just as the book was. Glad I checked my twitter today and decided to click on Algonquin Books.

  315. Really looking forward to seeing this movie! I have a feeling that big things are gonna come of it for all 3 lead actors with the amazing sorce matrial given to them by the book..cant wait!

  316. I haven’t read the book, but I would love to before the movie comes out!

  317. I just finished this book and loved it! Seeing the pictures gets me really excited for the film!

  318. Loved reading WFE, but loved listening to it even more. The readers for the Playaway made the story come alive so very much! Shed some tears for him as he lived his life in the nursing home & cheered when he escaped!!

  319. I have not read a story as sweet and as uenuine as this in years!i was so excited to hear of the movie being made. This is the best story I have read in years. We will be the first at the ticket office!!

  320. Reese Witherspoon is still one of the cutest american actress out there. I love here role on Sweet Home Alabama.“.

  321. I loved this book, and read it a couple times now….can not wait till the movie to come out!! sure hope i win this contest, my book is pretty dog eared!

  322. i really love the blonde hair of Reese Witherspoon~`;

  323. reese witherspoon is just so cute, i wish i was as beautiful as her”,

  324. what i do love about Reese Witherspoon is her very sweet smile and very young looking face;*~

  325. I adored the book and cannot wait for the movie! Have been following the Water For Elephants site and the photos shared so far are amazing – would love to win one of the books – Gramma Jeanne

  326. Reese Witherspoon have the most beautiful eyes among american actresses, i just can’t get enough of her beautiful eyes :”`

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