What's Your Favorite Beatles Song?
It’s Fab Friday, time to take a moment to celebrate The Beatles and reflect on the upcoming 50th (50!) anniversary of their arrival in the United States. This anniversary raises some heavy questions: Where did the Beatles take us? What did they deliver us from? What do they mean to us now? And, of course, the most important question of all…
What’s your favorite Beatles song?
Penelope Rowlands explores the first three questions in her upcoming book, The Beatles Are Here!, and she shares her top three answers to the final question here:
“She’s Leaving Home,” which beautifully sums up the alienation many of us felt from the grown-up world back then.
“Girl,” a kind of anthem of romantic longing — and classic Lennon/McCartney.
“A Day in the Life.” How shocking to hear this for the first time: the ending felt like falling off a cliff!
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“You never give me you Money” just loved the structure and the good vibe it had for me as a coming of age teenager…