Lucky 7 e-books: Enjoy the Great Outdoors
The Great Outdoors
Head outside and get dirty with a good book. Build from the ground up with these inside looks at the outside world. Plus, you can save a tree by filling up your e-reader with these perfectly priced e-books–just $1.99 from July 1 through July 31.
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey
Bedridden with an illness, Bailey discovers solace and a sense of wonder watching the wild snail living on her nightstand. Told with wit and grace, this story of resilience shows us how a small part of the natural world illuminates our own human existence.
You can buy The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating at INDIEBOUND, GOOGLE, AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, APPLE, and KOBO.
Settled in the Wild by Susan Hand Shetterley
Shetterly looks at how animals, humans, and plants share the land by observing her own neighborhood in rural Maine. Taking a magnifying glass to the wildness that surrounds us, she offers us an education in nature, one that should inspire us to preserve it.
You can buy Settled in the Wild at INDIEBOUND, GOOGLE, AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, APPLE and KOBO.
100 Birds and How They Got Their Names by Diana Wells
How did cranes come to symbolize matrimonial happiness? Why were magpies the only creatures that would not go inside Noah’s Ark? Wells explores how birds and bird imagery are integral parts of our language and culture.
You can buy 100 Birds and How They Got Their Names at INDIEBOUND, GOOGLE, AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, APPLE and KOBO.
The Earth Moved by Amy Stewart
The earthworm is small, spineless, and blind. It’s also our planet’s most important gatekeeper. In her offbeat style, Stewart takes us on a subterranean adventure through the earthworm’s complex web of life beneath our feet.
From the Ground Up by Amy Stewart: Stewart chronicles the blossoms and weeds in her first garden in this quirky, humorous look at the lessons she learned the hard way. Confessing her sins and delighting in small triumphs, she dishes the dirt for both the novice and the experienced gardener.
You can buy From the Ground Up at INDIEBOUND, GOOGLE, AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, APPLE, and KOBO.
Lives of the Trees by Diana Wells: Wells investigates the names and meanings of trees, their legends and lore, reminding us of our deep-rooted relationship with them. Since the human race began, we have depended on trees for food, shade, shelter and fuel, not to mention furniture, musical instruments, medicine utensils, and more.
You can buy Lives of the Trees at INDIEBOUND, GOOGLE, AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, APPLE and KOBO.
The Writer in the Garden edited by Jane Garmey
Writers and poets find fertile ground in gardens and gardening. Here is a wonderfully rich selection—75 in all—of garden writing that ranges from amusing and ironic to poignant and opinionated.
You can buy The Writer in the Garden at INDIEBOUND, GOOGLE, AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, APPLE and KOBO.
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