On the House
Writers are, first and foremost, readers. Their every sentence bears the mark of the cherished authors who have influenced them. And because many of our readers are also writers, we’ve created “On the House” to offer insight into our authors’ work, as well as advice from our editors and a peek inside our house.
Here you’ll learn how our authors got their first break. You’ll find discussions of craft, and the do’s and don’ts of submitting. You’ll see the ugly truth of our editors’ desks. (“It’s alive! It’s ALIVE!”) Check back for a regular series of blog posts.
As our Lee Smith, a beloved published author for 45 years, has observed, “It’s a long, hard apprenticeship to become a writer. And it’s awfully easy to forget that a writer is somebody who is WRITING, rather than somebody who is publishing…It’s hard to keep at it, and a kind word or a helpful suggestion can mean so much.”
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